Hail and Farewell

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Izzy, Clary and Jace left to find the original Sebastian the first thing in the morning and found out he was dead.

They told Alec who with the others talked with the Inquisitor through video call about it. "Have you notified the Verlac family yet?", she asked.

"The Penhallow daughter, Aline, will deliver the message in person, Madam Inquisitor", Alec said and she asked for some good news.

"Do you have any good news for me today, Mr. Lightwood?", she asked, "Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror. They won't leave the city without it", Alec said.

"Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that", Imogen said, "We were. Clary?", Alec said and Clary told her about Lake Lyn.

"That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from. Who else knows about this?", Imogen asked.

"Unfortunately, the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day. We thought it'd be best to tell you first. And we'd like to officially request soldiers from the Gard to be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake. It may only be a matter of time before Valentine realizes he's been had", Jace said and she nodded.

"I'll speak to Consul Malachi about deployment at once. Good hunting", she said and hung up the call.

"So what do we do now?", Jace asked, "There's only nine million people in the metro area. How hard could it be to find two?", Clary asked.

"The job is too big to go alone. We need to ask for help", Alec said, "From who, Alec?", Jace asked and Alec rose up from his chair.

"From everyone", he said and told them to gather everyone as he talks with Magnus, he called Magnus and told this.

Magnus said he would come and Alec went to the meeting room and waited as all the head of downworlders walked in suddenly.

The Queen sat on the chair and Raphael stood next to her, Magnus came in with Luke and stood next to Alec.

"Where, oh, where is Simon?", the Queen asked, "Your Highness, what an unpleasant surprise", Clary said as she and Jace walked in.

"Well, I'm sure she didn't mean to–", Alec started and Jace interrupted him, "No offense, Alec, but I agree with Clary. Your Majesty, is this another one of your little games?", he asked.

"The Institute called an emergency meeting of the Downworld Council. I speak on behalf of the Downworld", the Queen said.

"Raphael is this true?", Magnus asked and Raphael didn't answer, "Henceforth, when you need anything from the Downworld, you shall address me, Mr. Lightwood. Such is the nature of our new agreement", she said not bothering to look at Magnus.

Alec clenched his fist and Magnus held the Shadowhunter's hand slowly loosening the fist as Alec responded.

The Queen said she wouldn't help and left with Raphael, Luke also soon left and Alec, Magnus and Jace remained.

"What are we gonna do Alec?", Jace asked, "I don't know, this...", he sighed and Magnus placed his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"The warlocks are ready to help you, I am going to talk with them if you need anything call me", Magnus said and Alec nodded at him and smiled.

Magnus left and the shadowhunter siblings with Clary went to find Valentine and Jonathan as Clary used a new rune.

They split up, the parabtai together and Izzy and Clary together, "I'll go with Izzy", Clary said, "I'll go with Alec", Jace said at the same time.

They all shared a look, "Okay", Alec said and they started searching, "Thank you for not asking any questions about Clary", Jace said.

"I figure you'll talk when you're ready", Alec said, "I knew there was a reason you were my parabatai", Jace said and they smiled.

Jace was taken by Jonathan/Sebastian and Alec went to his sister and hugged her when he saw her and he and Clary started fighting the forsaken.

Izzy left since the electrum in her whip can hurt Sebastian, there were lot of forsaken but Clary and Alec held them off. 

They soon left to find Izzy and Jace and saw Jace kill Sebastian and throw him in the running water.

They went to the institute happily since one was down and only Valentine and Alec gave most of them the rest of the day a break and left to his loft.

He opened the door and entered, "Magnus!", he called happily and Magnus rushed to him and hugged him.

"Are you alright Alexander?", Magnus asked and Alec hugged the warlock tightly, "I am alright, just a long day", Alec said and pulled away.

"I have a lot to tell you", he said and they walked in, "First shower, you smell ichor and forsaken?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded.

"Well you also might need a shower since you hugged me", Alec said slyly and Magnus played along.

"Well I have my magic, I can-", before he could complete Alec lifted Magnus and walked into the bathroom with Magnus laughing hard.

They came out after an hour of 'showering' Alec smirking and Magnus glaring as he tried to magic his hickeys away.

"You know I have things to do tomorrow right?", Magnus asked and Alec hugged him from behind.

"Well you look sexy with them so...", Alec said and kissed Magnus's shoulder and neck as Magnus leaned into the shadowhunter.

"You said you wanted to tell me a lot of things", Magnus said and Alec stopped as they stared in the mirror.

"Well Sebastian is dead", Alec said and Magnus's eyes widened, "As in the demon blooded Sebastian/Jonathan Morgenstern?", he asked and Alec smiled kissing the warlock's temple and walking out.

"Mhmm", he said as he walked to the kitchen and Magnus followed him, "What happened?", Magnus asked excited and Alec smiled.

He made Magnus sit on the counter and started cooking dinner while explaining and Magnus reacted accordingly.

Wincing sometimes, looking proud sometimes, looking evilly happy sometimes(when Jace was strangled).

Alec finished cooking and put the food on a plate and stood in between Magnus's legs, he fed Magnus and ate himself.

"This is good baby", Magnus said, "Thank you honey", Alec said, "How is Isabelle related to you?", Magnus asked and Alec chuckled.

"Izzy... well she tries", Alec said shrugging cutely and Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's cheeks, "You are so cute", he commented.

"And you are such a sap", Alec said blushing and Magnus chuckled, "Well for you yes, for others no", Magnus said.

"I know and when it comes to others you have to be careful baby, Luke said you lost control and blasted the bottles when you heard about Raphael joining the Queen", Alec said.

"Well that was a bit", Magnus said and Alec raised his eyebrow, "Ok fine, I will", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"Now give me a kiss", Magnus said showing his cheek and Alec smiled and washed the plate as Magnus frowned.

"Hey!", he called and Alec smiled and turned after cleaning and wrapped his arms around Magnus.

He kissed Magnus's cheek hard and for a long time and Magnus smiled, Alec lifted Magnus in his arms.

"Why do you love the cheek kiss so much?", Alec asked as he laid on the bed with Magnus on him, "Just, lip kiss is nice, but cheek kiss from you and only you makes me happier", Magnus said.

Alec smiled softly and kissed Magnus's cheek again softly this time and his forehead, "Well then I will do it more often", Alec said.

"I like it more when you do it then and there", Magnus said and Alec looked at him with so much love in his eyes.

"As you wish baby", Alec said and Magnus smiled, both soon drifted to sleep as they talked through the night.

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