Dead Man's Party

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Finally they decided to go to the institute and that's when the complaining started, "I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than... than what you people call mundanes?", Clary asked as they walked and Alec sighed all standing on the doorway.

"Because we protect humans", Izzy said, "You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job, guys. You rock", Clary said sarcastically.

Alec wanted to shout that how much can they do, they have angel blood but they also fall and fail sometimes, "There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense", Alec said instead.

"Alec, not now", Izzy said and Alec didn't say anything, "Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you have it", Jace said.

"But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that? What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, "Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone". What am I supposed to do now?", Clary asked and Alec felt a small bit of sympathy for her.

"We have to report to the Clave", he said, "Great", Jace said and Alec acted like he didn't hear it, "They have to know we've learned about Valentine", Alec said.

"What, that he's my father? Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?", Clary asked, "Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup", Jace explained.

"Why? It makes new Shadowhunters", Clary said, "Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself", Alec said, "Plus, it controls demons", Izzy continued.

Alec was more exasperated when Izzy said that Clary was right, "Uh, look at all this stuff, these screens. I mean, can any of this help me find Simon? Where is he, anyway? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?", Clary asked.

"Actually, no. That was Camille's outfit, right? Raphael is also there. They're locals", Jace said, "They're at the Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort Street", Izzy said.

"And we came back here? Why? We have to go there. Let's go, now. Come on", Clary immediately said, "We need a Clave resolution for that", Alec said.

"The four of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves", Izzy said, "And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not", Alec said keeping up the facade.

"Alec, you can't stomp on all the Downworlders", Izzy said slyly, "Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently", Alec said smiling at his sister.

"Right?", Jace said and Clary asked about Seelies, "Like faeries. The Fair Folk. Add pixies, nixies, elves... anybody half-angel, half-demon. It's pretty much a catch-all term", Jace explained.

"Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing", Alec said, "We've all got our things, don't we?", Izzy said meaning something Alec had only told her and Alec rolled his eyes.

Even though he protested too much giving them examples on why they shouldn't just march up to Hotel DuMort, Jace apparently decided it was a good idea.

They went to the churchyard to get some weapons, when Izzy decided to leave, "Iz are you sure you want to do this, I can ask-", Alec was interrupted by Izzy.

"Let him rest Alec, he already has too much on plate and he needs to be ready when you plan to do your thing", Izzy said

Alec smiled while Clary looked confused and Izzy left as they found the weapons, Alec didn't find a bow and arrow so he left to the Institute.

"How do you know they'll come back?", Clary asked after getting the blades, "Who? Alec and Izzy?", Jace asked.

"Yeah", Clary said, "We were raised together. They're basically my brother and sister", Jace said proudly.

"You know Alec doesn't like me, right?", Clary asked, "Alec doesn't like anybody. You know what? I take that back, Alec likes certain people", Jace said with a smile.

Alec was in the institute runeing his arrows when Hodge walked in and they talked about the circle and Clary when Hodge said, "You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one", and told Alec not to make the same mistakes.

Alec felt guilty lying to his mentor, but he had to, he was not in Jace's shadow, not anymore, but he had to act like he was.

As Hodge left he got a message from Izzy with the address and he left, "Izzy. I got your text. Where are we exactly?", he asked as he saw her.

"It's an old meatpacker's service entrance. If we go back there, we come up into the basement of the Hotel Dumort. Perfect, right? We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to find Simon", Izzy explained her plan.

"Okay", he said, ""Okay"? It was hard work interrogating Meliorn to get this intel", Izzy said and Alec smiled sarcastically.

"Great job, Izzy. You have faerie dust on your dress. And I hate being the distraction", Alec said, "I don't. You know, you'd be a lot happier if you weren't so freaking repressed", Izzy said and Alec rolled his eyes.

"You're really not gonna talk to me, are you?", she asked as they walked, "That's because you have no idea what you're talking about", Alec said.

"I do know Alec and I know you love Magnus and want to be with him freely", Izzy said, "Yes I do love him and want to be with him freely and it's worse that I can feel he is anxious and scared for me, I can feel that and I am here unable to comfort him so yes, I am irritated", Alec said.

Izzy looked at him and suddenly gasped, "Iz what's wrong?", Alec asked, "Simon, he is feeling high?", she asked and Alec swore and they both walked faster.

They both found the vamps and started their distraction, they soon found Jace and Clary and killed the vampires holding them.

They went to find Simon and found Raphael holding Simon captive, "Put it away. I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat. Don't give me a reason. Put it away", Raphael said and Alec raised his hand.

"Raphael don't do it because Camille said it, you know better", Alec said and Raphael hesitated and led them out and gave Simon away.

Alec had a small argument with Jace before he was done, "You know what? I am done, I am going home", Alec said and left to his loft.

He entered the loft, "Magnus?", he called as he kept his weapons near the doorway away from Magnus's reach.

"Alexander?", Magnus asked and saw his love and hugged him quickly, "Oh thank god you are alright, I was worried", Magnus said.

"I know honey I know, I felt it", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "You didn't sleep the whole night didn't you?", Alec asked, "Neither did you", Magnus said and Alec chuckled.

"I'll freshen up and come", Alec said and took a shower and had breakfast with Magnus while telling the whole story on what happened.

"I am sorry baby, I told you to not tell about the memories to have fun with the blondie and because of that you all had to go through so much", Magnus said guiltily and Alec smiled softly.

"Hey it's fine, actually I also had fun seeing Jace like that", Alec said and explained what Jace was feeling from start.

He never hid anything from Magnus, nor did Magnus, after having the breakfast Alec was tired from the previous day, so both went to their room and dozed off tangled in each other.

Alec having a peaceful smile on his face, after a whole 24hr of irritation...

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