Mea Maxima Culpa

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A few days the whole institute were in a hustle and Alec stayed with Magnus those few days and coming to the institute only to look after Izzy.

"Hey how are you?", Alec asked as he entered, "I've been better", Jace said, "How about we train?", Alec asked so that Jace could take his mind away from the things for some time.

Jace smiled, "Oh you are going down", he said and they went to the outside training room and started training.

"You're hurting", Alec said as they took their position, "You didn't even touch me", Jace said and they started fighting with weapons.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the Downworlders. Jace, you didn't know. It wasn't your fault", Alec said.

"I never said it was. Come on, you got another round in you or starting to get tired?", Jace asked and Alec smirked and pinned Jace down easily and pointed the blade to his neck.

They were talking about the angel blood in Jace and it's ability when the talk about their better half came up.

They started fighting without weapons, "So what's going on with you and Clary?", Alec asked as he pinned Jace down.

"Nothing, Magnus already told us before that we were not siblings and Clary asked some time and now she is with Simon so I let her be", Jace said and pinned Alec down.

"Oh how kind of you", Alec said and Jace changed his position, "Speaking of which? How are you and Magnus?", Jace asked.

"We are fine, we were shaken pretty bad, but we are... I...", Alec said thinking of seeing Magnus after the incident.

"You are so in love... just think if Magnus was in the institute", Jace said not meaning it in a bad way and Alec immediately pinned him down.

"Ouch Alec", Jace said and saw this fire in Alec's eyes, "Don't ever say that", Alec said, "I was just joking I am sorry", Jace said and Alec got up.

"I am sorry Jace... it's just those few hours searching for him killed me I can't risk thinking of losing him even", Alec said.

"It's alright mate and by the way someone special is here for you", Jace said gesturing behind Alec.

Alec turned and saw Magnus smiling at him, Alec walked towards him and hugged Magnus scooping the warlock in his arms.

"Hey", Magnus said chuckling and Jace left them after nodding at Magnus, "What are you doing here?", Alec asked.

"Well I was searching for yin fen cures and I still am but first thing, make sure Izzy sweats it out", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

"I heard you talk with Jace", Magnus said and Alec raised his eyebrow, "You won't lose me, I know I told you this before, but trust me", Magnus said and Alec sighed and nodded.

"I love you", he said, "As I love you Alexander", Magnus said and they kissed, Magnus left soon and Alec went to tend to Izzy.

Soon he was called as a demon attack occurred in a bar and he, Jace and Clary left to check it while Izzy stayed in the institute.

While the shadowhunters were checking the demon attack Izzy left to meet Raphael and was nearly attacked by Azazel.

She was taken by the shadowhunter named Sebastian to his home while Alec took an evidence to Magnus.

"Hey!", he said, "You must be reading my mind. I was just about to call you", Magnus said and they kissed.

"There's a Greater Demon on the loose. And we need your help. It's been leaving this on its victims", Alec said giving the evidence.

"Oh, dear. This sand, it's from Duduael", Magnus said identifying the sand in it, "Which is a dimension of Hell?", Alec asked.

"The worst dimension. Did you find this on their face?", Magnus asked hoping he would get a no for an answer.

"Mmm", Alec said and Magnus sighed, "How did he get loose? He's been shackled for centuries", Magnus asked himself.

"Who, Magnus?", Alec asked looking alarmed, "The demon who taught man the weapons of war. A Greater Demon. Azazel. One of the Princes of Hell", Magnus said.

"Right, a real prince. Why is it so dark in here?", Alec asked and that's when Raphael walked in and told about Izzy.

Magnus and Alec leave to find her when they found out Azazel was also there and Alec immediately called Jace and Clary.

They talked with Imogen who declined so they planned to do it in secret and summon Azazel and Magnus agreed a bit hesitantly, but for Izzy he did.

The prepared everything and was in the rooftop, "Is the courtyard glamoured?", Alec asked, "No one can see us", Magnus said.

"I don't know, it still seems like a risk", Alec said and Magnus sighed, "We have no choice. It was the only space big enough", Magnus said.

Jace walked in with Valentine and put him to a side and was dealing with him, when Alec pulled Magnus to the side.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", Alec asked Magnus, "To be honest no, this is a bad idea, summoning a greater demon... but for Isabelle we have to and I have you", Magnus said cupping Alec's cheek.

Alec smiled and they kissed before starting the ritual, "Well... if it isn't Magnus Bane. Brave move", Azazel said after they summoned him.

"Good to see you too Azazel", Magnus said controlling him to the max as he tried to advance on him.

"Return Isabelle Lightwood, and we'll hand over Valentine. He can lead you to the Mortal Cup", Magnus said and Azazel started talking to Valentine and told he didn't have Izzy.

Everything was going fine until Clary wasn't able to make a rune and Azazel broke from the pentagram.

He started hurting all of them and Magnus tried his best to control Azazel but couldn't, "Magnus, stop him!", Alec screamed.

Their pain was doubled since they weren't only feeling their own pain but also each other's which made it 10 times worse.

Azazel without others knowing switched Magnus and Valentine and left and as all got up Alec felt something different.

Jace took Valentine back to the cell but at minute when Alec saw into Valentine's eyes he saw Magnus, but he let it be.

He walked with Magnus through the institute still feeling different, like an empty feeling as if he never had a soulmate.

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Nothing a good night's sleep won't fix", Magnus said as Alec stopped him.

"I can come back home with you, if you'd like", Alec asked but Magnus shook his head, "No, no, it's okay. I'll call you tomorrow", Magnus said and left.

Weird Magnus never says no to me coming home, Alec thought and his phone rang, he saw it was Izzy and picked it.

He got to know that she was alive and was happy, but he couldn't exactly express it because he didn't feel like expressing anything.

It was as if because a part of his soul where emotions are were sucked out and as if he was an empty bottle.

Jace also felt a different in his parabatai bond but didn't bring it and up and went to talk with Clary.

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