Blood Calls to Blood

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Magnus left and Alec was informed that the trial would start soon and started arguing with Izzy as she neglected his help.

"Everyone has a choice, Alec. I made mine. Let me just get through this without losing my self-respect", Izzy said.

"Look, I know you don't wanna believe this, but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it. Maybe I can get her to delay the trial", Alec said thinking of ways to help Izzy.

"Why? So I can sit here, playing computer solitaire, while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to the Clave. They want the Cup", Izzy said and Alec knew it was true.

"So let me buy some time to find it. Hey, Jace and Clary–", he was interrupted, "Disappeared through a door to God knows where. You said they're lost forever. And so is the Cup", Izzy completed.

"What if I was wrong? I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond, but that doesn't mean he can't be found, or that he can't find us. We need more time", Alec said trying to convince himself.

"You're grasping at straws now?", Izzy said understanding him, "Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother. Please, let me help you for once", Alec begged and she looked at him and nodded.

Alec went to talk to Lydia when the Inquisitor arrived, "I understand you've cooked up some kind of a marriage with [nods to Alec]. I can't imagine what's in your mind", Imogen said.

"It's a suitable marriage for both of us", Lydia said and Alec looked away, before Imogen gestured Lydia that she wanted to talk to her alone.

Alec went to inform Izzy of this, "You know what? I'd rather be stripped of my runes and sent into exile than be part of this world. What kind of people sacrifice justice for law?", Izzy said.

"That's very noble, Izzy. But the high road's not gonna look so great when you're running for your life from a pack of demons with no Shadowhunter powers to protect you", Alec stated.

"Jocelyn lived as a mundane", Izzy commented, "You know Jocelyn had her runes and her weapons. You think the demons won't find you? You haven't exactly kept a low profile. You can't just let them convict you. You need an advocate", Alec said and Izzy looked at him.

"Ok", he said understanding her and she smiled, Alec went to his home, "Baby I need help", he announced entering the loft.

"Sure honey what is it?", Magnus asked as he kissed Alec, "My sister wants you to be her defense attorney. I said I would ask. But I'm sorry to bother you. I know a Downworlder can't defend a Shadowhunter in court", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"But a Shadowhunter accused of a crime can choose any advocate", Magnus pointed out as they sat on the couch together.

"That can't mean a Downworlder right?", Alec asked, "The Clave was so rigid and prejudiced back in what they call the Time of Angels that they didn't dream of a Shadowhunter asking a Downworlder for help. They didn't even bother to exclude us. So, since, as you all say [mimicking elderly man] "the Law is the Law", there's no stopping me from slipping through this gaping loophole", Magnus said and Alec chuckled kissing the warlock on the forehead.

"So what do you say?", Alec asked, "Ofc baby I will do it", Magnus said and he got up, "I'll change and come", Magnus said and went inside, while Alec made himself some coffee.

Alec was drinking coffee while looking outside when Magnus came and wrapped his arms around Alec, "Mhmm", Alec said and turned.

"Shall we?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded before pulling the shadowhunter into a kiss, "We shall", he said and they both went to the institute and the trial started.

"Will I survive if I touch it?", Magnus asked the silent brother and Alec chuckled silently, "If you tell the truth", Imogen said and trial started.

"You're out of order", Imogen said as he made his points, "No. This whole thing is out of order. It's not Isabelle's fault. It's the Cup! Put the Cup on trial!", Magnus said and some people shrugged agreeing it's true.

As the trial went on Magnus called Lydia to the stand as he was observing her from the start, "I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand", he said.

"I don't see the relevance", Imogen said and Magnus rolled his eyes, "Well, that makes two of us. I don't see the relevance of this whole trial. Ms. Branwell? If you'll take the stand?", he said again and Lydia did as told.

"I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?", he asked and all looked at her, "Who are you trying to punish actually? Isabelle or Alec?", he continued.

"This has no relevancy", Imogen said, but Magnus took no heed of her, "Are you trying to punish Isabelle because she saved an innocent life or are you punishing Alec through Izzy because he doesn't love you?", Magnus asked and felt a jolt of surprise in him, Alec's feeling.

"No this has nothing to do with that, Law is hard but it is the Law", Lydia said and Magnus knew she was lying.

"But that doesn't make it right. We're trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing", she continued and Magnus looked surprised.

"A brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another, and how loyal they are to each other. A man who took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects, but who really believes that injustice towards his family is intolerable. Loyalty, decency, compassion, love. These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this. I withdraw from this case", she finished and all clapped while Magnus only noticed that she said family.

Magnus let it be for the moment and hugged Isabelle as Alec came forward and hugged his sister and Magnus winked at him.

But yet in the end the Inquisitor said that if the Mortal Cup isn't returned in 48hrs Izzy will be stripped of her runes.

Jace and Clary came in and gave the cup in some time and Alec had some argument with Jace, but he wanted to talk to Izzy and Magnus so he left Jace.

"Jace and Clary are back. They gave the Cup to Lydia. You're free to go", Alec said and Izzy hugged him.

"You were right, they came back. You knew!", Izzy said and Magnus smiled at the siblings, "But... but if we use the cup for me your marriage?", Izzy asked and the smile on Alec's face dropped.

"I'll look for something", Alec said firmly and Magnus smiled sadly before walking out, "Magnus", Alec called running behind him.

"Hey... I will find a way", Alec said and Magnus smiled tucking Alec's hair back, "I know you will baby, but Lydia is perfect for you", Magnus said and Alec felt his heart stop.

"No, we aren't having this conversation, ever", Alec said and Magnus sighed, but nodded respecting Alec's decision.

They may be soulmates, but they are also separate individuals, "Ok Alexander, now what are you going to do? Stay here to talk to Jace or come back home?", Magnus asked.

"I am coming home with you, I'll tell Izzy and come", Alec said and Magnus nodded and Alec left to tell Izzy who said it was fine.

He came back and they left together to their home unaware of the next day's surprise...

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