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I am so excited for you guys to read this chapter, hope you like it...

Alec woke up as his phone rang Magnus still in his arm, Magnus stirred but Alec slowly rubbed Magnus's arm who stopped stirring immediately with a smile on his face.

He picked the phone to see it was Izzy, "Hey Iz-", he was interrupted by her, "Alec where are you? Come to the institute immediately", she said and Alec panicked.

"What's wrong Iz?", he asked getting up slowly placing Magnus on the bed and sitting on the side of the bed, "Mom and dad have organized the wedding for tomorrow Alec", she said and Alec felt his heart stop.

"What?", he asked shock and felt Magnus stir, he lowered his voice, "No, they didn't even tell me", he whispered.

"You think they told anyone, no one knew except Lydia", Izzy said and Alec kept his hand on his head, "I'm coming there immediately", Alec said and cut the call.

"Is everything alright?", Magnus asked and then only Alec noticed he was awake, "To be honest, no", Alec said and laid his head on Magnus's lower chest.

Magnus was surprised for a minute, it's not that Alec doesn't sleep on top of him sometimes, but this was different.

Magnus stroked Alec's hair softly, "Hey it's ok honey what's wrong?", Magnus asked softly and felt his chest wet.

"Alexander are you crying?", Magnus asked lifting Alec's face, he rarely sees Alec cry, "Oh baby what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything right?", Magnus asked wiping Alec's tears.

"Izzy called. Tomorrow morning is the wedding", Alec said and Magnus froze for a minute, before smiling, "It's ok baby everything will be alright", Magnus said.

"No nothing will be alright", Alec said getting up, "Alexa-", "No Magnus do you remember when we started dating you told me about love", Alec asked and Magnus nodded getting up, he remembered it clearly.


"Emotions are never black and white. They're more like symptoms. You lose your breath every time they enter a room. Your heart beats faster when they walk by. Your skin tingles when they stand close enough to feel their breath", Magnus said and Alec smiled kissing him and a red swirl formed around them, their third bonding.

Flashback ends

"You showed me what it is like to love, you taught me to be me, please don't do this to me, I can't lose you Magnus", Alec said cupping Magnus's face in his hands.

"And you won't Alexander, I will always be in here", Magnus said keeping a hand over Alec's left chest.

"No no no", Alec said and Magnus smiled sadly and kissed Alec before snapping his fingers and Alec found himself in his old room dressed.

"NO", he shouted pushing the things away when Izzy came in, "Oh Alec", she said and hugged him seeing him cry, he cried more into her shoulders.

"I can still feel him Izzy, he is hurting, I can't do this", Alec said and Izzy rocked her brother, "I know Alec I know", she said crying herself.

"I want him back", Alec said, "Maybe you can", Izzy said and Alec looked at her, "What do you mean?", Alec asked.

"Make him jealous", Izzy said and Alec smiled, "You are the best Izzy", Alec said and got up and went to meet Lydia.

Magnus was called to the institute by Jace and he tried to avoid it but couldn't, so he went as asked and got caught up in a middle of the conversation between Jace and Clary.

"While this conversation is no doubt scintillating remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least here we'd have cocktails", Magnus said and Clary looked at him surprised.

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