Moo Shu to Go

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The next day Alec got up as usual with Magnus and ate breakfast with him, "Alexander please come back to me", Magnus said before Alec left.

Alec smiled and kissed Magnus's forehead, "I promise, but you also stay safe", he said and Magnus nodded and they both kissed before Alec left.

Alec arrived at the institute and went in search for Jace when he heard that Clary was able to communicate with Valentine through the necklace of hers.

"It's a portal shard", Jace said and Alec nodded understandingly, "It is my job to protect the Institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut. Now... let me take a look at that thing", Alec said and took the shard from Jace.

He immediately took it with him to the hiding space in the training area with these two following behind him protesting and kept the necklace there.

The other two protested and Clary said that since they were able to save Simon from the vampires, they could save herself too.

"Yeah... vampires. Bored, decadent, self-involved vampires", Alec said and got up closing the hiding place and explained how Valentine was real threat.

Izzy found Clary near the rooms after finding out what Alec did and explained to Clary that what Alec did was for good.

Izzy understood her brothers intentions, he wasn't looking for himself, but for everyone around him including Magnus who made Alec happier.

And Izzy was grateful to the angels for giving her brother such a loving and caring soulmate and she knows she would have done the same if it had been her and Simon.

She hadn't started loving him like Malec loved each other, but Izzy did feel connected to Simon and kinda missed him.

She didn't tell anyone about it, but she felt Simon yearn for something, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was since they didn't come close much.

They were walking through the doorway and waiting for the elevator when the door opened and Maryse Lightwood walked in.

Izzy groaned, her's and Alec's life is starting to become hell, her mother went in to see Jace and Alec came in.

Angel save me, he thought and hugged his mother who still had the sternness in her voice when greeting him.

He hid his hand behind his back since he wasn't wearing long sleeves and Maryse started giving them orders.

"Isabelle, we stay separate from the Downworld for good reasons", Maryse said as she mocked Isabelle and Alec looked away, the words hurting him.

Maryse gave them final orders on what to say and left, "Well, that was a window into the weird. What did you do to piss off your mom?", Clary asked him.

"I'd guess, for a start... all the unsanctioned missions on your behalf didn't go over that big with the Clave", Alec said angrily and left.

After Izzy and Jace left Alec found Clary training with a stick and he also took a stick and started training with her, when she said about the box in her loft which held her father's details.

He didn't approve going on this mission without permission and his phone rang, he saw it was Magnus and attended the phone.

"Hey", Alec said walking to the corner, "Are you hurt?", Magnus asked and Alec chuckled, "No Magnus", Alec said with a smile, "Then why did I feel you hurt and angry?", the other asked and Alec sighed.

He can hide some things from his parabatai, but not from his soulmate, "I was not physically hurt just some emotional bruising, it's just my mom is here", Alec said.

He explained on what happened and didn't notice Clary slip away, "Alexander honey, you know it's alright if the other two went on the mission, you know what? if you can, come home", Magnus suggested and Alec turned.

He then only noticed Clary gone, "By the Angel she is a pain in the ass, Magnus I have to go, I'll call you back", Alec said and cut the call running through the institute to find her.

Finally Alec traced her and found Clary near an art academy and Simon called and they 'planned' to meet at the loft, "Why do you always look so miserable?", Clary asked.

"I don't", Alec said, "I get it, you want Magnus safe", Clary said, "You will not speak about him and me anywhere, you get that?", Alec warned, "Alec it is ok to be scared", Clary said.

"Don't you dare, I know it is ok to be scared and I am not scared ok", he said and she nodded and told they need to get the box.

They both left to the loft and met with Simon and went to Jocelyn's loft and Alec started having suspicions on Simon since he was able see the runes and had superstrength.

He dropped it for now because they were outside and they found the box when Alec heard something and went to see.

When he came back, Clary and Simon were gone, he quickly ran out to see two people taking them and tried to follow but couldn't.

He called Jace, who immediately came with Izzy and asked about Clary and got to know that Simon was also gone.

"It was your job to look after her", Jace said, "I did my best, Jace", Alec said, "Well, then maybe your mother was right, and your best just isn't good enough", Jace said.

"Jace!", Izzy said feeling furious while hurt flashed in Alec's face, "Listen, your soulmate snuck out when I told her not to", Alec said.

They finally found through Simon that they were in Jade Wolf and the werewolves held custody of the two.

They went there and saved both Clary and Simon when the werewolves surrounded them, "We're surrounded. Everyone, stay together", Alec said.

They were about to attack when a werewolf challenged the alpha leader and they started fighting.

Finally the alpha leader was killed and Luke, the werewolf became the new alpha leader, but he was hurt, "His wounds are deep. Only a warlock's magic can cure an alpha's bite", Jace said and looked at Alec who was behind Clary.

"We have to get him to Magnus", Clary said and Alec sighed and nodded at Jace who took Luke to Magnus's with the help from Simon and Clary.

"Are you two okay?", Izzy asked him as they left, "I don't know", Alec replied and the both left to the institute.

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