A Problem of Memory

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Alec woke up to see Magnus missing in the bed next to him again, "Magnus?", he called and got up dressing himself up.

He walked out to see Magnus on the dinning table with a tea cup in his hand staring at a mirror, "There you are", he said and Magnus turned towards him with a smile on his face.

Alec noticed that he had magically applied make up just for Alec and he frowned at that as he saw in the mirror in front of Magnus, a Magnus without make up.

He had an archer's eyes and his were especially sharp since he was a shadowhunter and he can notice even minute details.

"Good morning", Magnus said and got up, "I'd say the same, but it looks like you haven't slept", Alec said dropping the make up for now.

"Should I be insulted by that?", Magnus asked cutely and Alec smiled, "No. I love that face. But this is, like, the fourth morning in a row that I've woken up to an empty bed. Is there something bothering you?", Alec asked.

"Nothing is bothering me. Why?", Magnus asked, "You know you can tell me anything, I am always here for you", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

The both kissed, "I am fine Alexander", Magnus said and Alec nodded, "So, what about you? Have you decided what you're gonna report to the Clave?", he asked.

"I'm torn. If I don't tell the Clave about Luke's attempt on Valentine's life, I'd be in violation. And if they find out, I could be deruned and just...", Alec trailed and Magnus looked at him.

He knows how much being a shadowhunter means to Alec, "Whatever you decide, I'll stand by you", he said and Alec smiled.

"Are you sure you're okay?", he asked again and Magnus nodded, "Positive", Magnus said and Alec kissed the warlock's head.

A comforting kiss, his phone pinged with a message and he read it, "The Clave has approved my request for Valentine's transfer to Gard", Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"I have to go to the institute", Alec said and Magnus nodded, "I'll quickly make some breakfast", Magnus said and Alec stopped him.

"No, you rest I will make something", Alec said and before Magnus could protest he made Alec sit down.

"Don't move", Alec said and Magnus nodded smiling softly before Alec went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

After breakfast Alec left to the institute and met with Jace and Izzy and told about the Clave and about moving Valentine.

"Izzy, you'll be leading the transfer mission. Jace, you will assist", Alec said and the other two nodded.

"We need to remove Valentine's Circle rune. The new wards in Idris won't let him pass with it on. Jace, do you want the honors?", Izzy said with a smirk.

"Thought you'd never ask", Jace said, "Okay", Izzy said and left and Jace and Alec talked for some time before Jace left.

Alec was in his office when Izzy came in saying Valentin's circle was removed, "Good. I'll feel a lot better when he's out of the Institute", Alec said.

"Have you secured Magnus for the transfer?", Izzy asked and Alec got up both walking outside, "I think we should consider using a different warlock. Catarina Loss lives in, um–", Alec said and was interrupted.

"We're talking about Portaling the Clave's most wanted into Idris. There's not many warlocks with that clearance. Besides, I want the best. And that's Magnus", she said and Alec smiled.

But the smile dropped soon enough, "Look, Magnus isn't exactly in a great place right now. He hasn't been sleeping", Alec said and they stopped walking.

Izzy turned to look at him, "What's wrong?", she asked, "I don't know. He says nothing's wrong, but I can tell he's not all right. And when I asked he said he needed time", he said worried.

"You know, some people find it hard to ask for help. If Magnus is hurting, don't let him push you away", she said and Alec nodded gratefully.

"Thank you for the advice, but I know Magnus. He needs his space. We can use a different warlock", Alec said and Sebastian approached them.

That's when their friend Aline came and they talked before Alec left and Sebastian and Izzy talked with her.

The transfer was planned for the next day morning and Alec went to his loft to see Magnus on the couch thinking something deeply.

This was not the Magnus he knew, his Magnus is dangerous but he is also a caring and happy person.

That doesn't mean Magnus didn't have his bad moments, he had had his worse moments even, but most of the time he shared it with Alec.

"Magnus? Magnus?", Alec called and Magnus snapped out of his thoughts, "Well, hello", Magnus said putting on a smile on his face and got up.

"I was just about to make myself a drink. You want one?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head, "No. We're transporting Valentine to Idris tomorrow morning", Alec said.

"Even more reason. We can toast to Valentine's highly anticipated departure", Magnus said pouring the drink.

"I love you, and I know something's wrong. Whatever it is, I'm here for you. I know you said you needed time, but I can't see you like this", Alec said and Magnus stopped.

"I appreciate it. But I'm fine", he said trying to convince himself, "No, you're not. I'm sorry baby, but I'm not gonna leave until you talk to me. Do you remember when you said, "When things get crazy, don't push me away"?", Alec said and Magnus turned.

He sat on the couch and looked at the floor, "When I was tortured in Valentine's body, that Agony rune, it... made me relive my worst memory. And now... I can't get it out of my head. It... Every time I close my eyes, it...", he said pausing and closing his eyes.

Alec knelt in front of him, "Hey. What is it?", Alec asked softly, "Remember I told you how I found my mother dead by her own hand?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded.

"That was not the whole story... My stepfather found me shortly after. He screamed at me. He called me an abomination", Magnus said and tears formed in his eyes.

"What?", Alec said, "He was right. He blamed me for her suicide. He said that she hated herself for giving birth to a monster. So I lashed out. With all the magic I had", Magnus said.

"I burned him, Alexander. Right where he stood. I murdered my stepfather", Magnus said tears rolling out of his eyes.

"You were just a boy. You weren't in control of your powers", Alec said and Magnus looked into his love's eyes.

"Yes, actually, I was. I know you had always looked after me and comforted me... but I never wanted you to see this... terrible, ugly side of me... of my past", Magnus choked.

"Hey", Alec said softly stroking Magnus's cheeks, "There is nothing ugly about you and remember I will always be there for you", Alec said.

Magnus threw himself into Alec's who held him whispering sweet things, "Come on let's get you some sleep, tomorrow we have a big day", Alec said wiping Magnus's tears.

Magnus smiled and nodded and both went to sleep and the next day they sent Valentine to Gard or they thought they did.

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