Morning Star

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"I need to talk with mom and Lydia, I'll be back", Alec said to Magnus who nodded and Alec went in search of Lydia first and didn't find her anywhere in the institute, so he went to talk with his mom.

"Have you spoken with Lydia? No one's seen her since the wedding. [His mother doesn't respond.] Mom, come on", he said.

"Maryse", Robert said trying to help his son, "Mom, I understand you're upset, but this is–", Alec was interrupted.

"Calling off the wedding would've been one thing, but kissing that warlock in front of the entire Institute? You've embarrassed all of us", his mom said and the words hurt him.

"Why? Because he's a guy?", Alec asked fearing the answer, "No. The fact that he is a guy, as you say, is the least of my worries", Maryse and part of his worries lifted.

"Then what's the problem?", he asked, "That you chose Magnus Bane", she said and he felt as if a huge rock fell on him.

"His reputation precedes him. And even for a warlock, he's a bit of a lothario. Alec, there's so much that you don't know about him", his father also said and he took a deep breath thinking of Magnus.

"Actually I do, I do know him very well, I know him more than he knows of himself, I know that he is an amazing caring person. I know that he has a soft heart even though he doesn't show it. I know that all this payment and interest on rare objects is one of the armor of protection so everyone thinks he is greedy. Even though I can tell you many more reasons the whole day, the most important one is, he is and will always be ready to sacrifice anything for his loved ones. And he loves me and I love him more than I would love anyone in any lifetime", he said and saw his parents surprised face.

"I also know that he is my soulmate and my parents neither cared or even asked whether I got my mark. Do you know that I don't live in the institute? I moved in with Magnus 2 years ago, so don't try to say that you are trying to save the Lightwood name. If there is no Lightwood family, why should anyone save the name you two tarnished?", Alec said shocking his parents more.

"I have to go find Lydia, I need to thank her", he said and left not wanting to hear anything else and found Magnus on the corridors to the rooms.

He saw Magnus had tears in his eyes and panicked, "Magnus what happened? What's wrong? Did anyone say anything to you? I will kill them", Alec rambled holding Magnus.

Magnus chuckled at his boyfriend's protectiveness, "No Alexander, I heard you talk to your mom, well not exactly but I heard your words about me", Magnus said and Alec smiled kissing his boyfriend on the forehead wiping his tears.

"What do you mean by 'not exactly'?", Alec asked, "Well for a moment I could hear what you said about me in my mind and then it vanished immediately, I think it was because our last bonding was broken into two", Magnus said and Alec looked surprised.

"So we can read each other's mind?", Alec asked interested and Magnus chuckled, "I don't think so honey, it's more like telepathy, but for a short time and you weren't communicating through the mind you were talking, which is confusing", Magnus said furrowing his eyebrows and Alec smiled.

"Well then we will figure it out together", he said and Magnus smiled and nodded, "So on a scale of one to ten, how unpleasant was it?", he asked and Alec dropped his hands off of Magnus and walked with Magnus next to him.

"Off the charts. Yeah, I've never seen them so angry", Alec said, "Just give them some time", Magnus said and Alec sighed.

"After what I did, I don't think they'll ever forgive me", he said and Magnus touched Alec's arms softly, "Don't underestimate a parent's love", Magnus said and Alec smiled and nodded.

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