Heavenly Fire

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Alec was getting ready in his bedroom and Magnus was in the bed, looking for houses in the magazine.

"Two bedrooms, an absolute must. Spacious closets are required. Alexander?", Magnus asked seeing Alec distracted.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that sounds great", Alec said absentmindedly, "Is something wrong?", Magnus asked sensing the nervousness.

"What? No! No. On the contrary. Everything is perfect now that you're back to your old self", Alec said quickly turning to face Magnus.

"Well, let's not get carried away", Magnus said smiling, "I just mean now that you're healthy. So, I was thinking we could have dinner tonight, on the balcony, view of the city. The head chef can prepare something special", Alec said trying to maintain subtlety.

"Oh, how romantic. May I ask what the occasion is?", Magnus asked, "There's no occasion. I just thought it would be nice", Alec said and Magnus narrowed his eyes at him.

"What? I can't do something nice with my boyfriend?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled, "Oh. I am one lucky man", Magnus said.

Alec smiled, "Not as lucky as I am. [kisses Magnus on the cheek] Okay. I'll see you... tonight at 8 o'clock!", he said and left.

"I'll be there with bells on", Magnus said and his smile disappeared as soon as Alec left, Izzy went to Simon asking for help.

"I need to ask you something. And I completely understand if it's not something you're comfortable with. But I didn't know who else to turn to", she said and Simon looked confused.

"Okay. Yeah. What is it?", he asked, "I need your help to save Clary", Izzy said, "Of course. Whatever it is, I'm in", Simon said and Izzy smiled.

"Good. Now, I'm placing you under arrest", Izzy said and Simon looked at her in shock, "I'm sorry what?", he asked.

"I'll explain it to you, now come on", she said and they left for the institute and met with Alec and she told him about her plan.

Alec was first hesitant about sending Simon in as the prisoner but agreed after Izzy she would be tracking him.

"You're nervous. Why are you nervous?", Jace asked as Alec walked to the cell downstairs, "What? I'm... I'm not nervous", Alec said and Jace looked at him.

"Yes, you are. What's going on?", Jace asked, "I'm, uh... proposing to Magnus tonight", Alec said and the other looked happy and surprised.

"What?! Are you serious?! Alec, congratulations! You're about to make Magnus the happiest man in the world", Jace said and Alec smiled.

"Yeah. Well... I just want everything to...be perfect", Alec said, "Listen to me. It's not gonna matter what you do or what you say when he realizes he gets to spend the rest of his life with you", Jace said and Alec smiled and turned towards the cell where Jonathan was.

They learned that the ones with Morgenstern blood can only activate the Morning Star sword, Izzy learned from Simon that the Heavenly fire was used to make downworlders into mundanes.

But she lost his connection soon and she decided to make Aldertree confess everything and went on a 'date' with him.

In the end, they got enough Heavenly Fire to separate Clary and Jonathan at the same time arrest Aldertree and free Simon.

"Well, we have Heavenly Fire. We don't know where the Morning Star sword is, but the only two people who can use it are right here at the Institute", Alec said.

"Aldertree will be prosecuted for his crimes against the Accords. And Jia is considering commuting Raphael's sentence, along with the other Downworlders now turned into mundanes", Izzy said.

"It's the least they could do", Simon said and Alec nodded, "All right, well, if I'm no longer needed here, there's somewhere I need to be", Alec said and left as Jace smiled behind him.

Soon it was only Simon and Isabelle in the room, "You know, for a second, I was worried you weren't going to make it out", Izzy said.

"Me too... but thankfully, I got lucky", Simon said, "Luck had nothing to do with it. What you did today, putting your life on the line for the people you care about? It's pretty badass", Izzy said and Simon smiled.

"You're pretty badass too", Simon said and she also smiled, Alec got ready and was waiting, the decorations were beautiful.

That's when Magnus came, "You know, I really love this pre-war architecture, it is just gorgeous. Just like you", he said.

"Mag... Baby have you been drinking?", Alec asked and Magnus held his flask upside down, showing that it was empty.

"Well... apparently, I lost my warlock tolerance for booze, and... hmm", Magnus said and Alec tried easing his racing heart.

"How much have you had?", he asked, "A lot. Why? Are you judging me?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head.

"No. I'm just... concerned. I've never seen you like this", Alec said and sensed Magnus's depression.

"Well, no. Neither have I", Magnus said, "Did something happen?", Alec asked as all was alright this morning.

"Oh, you didn't hear? I lost my magic. Twice! And I'm just coming to terms with how useless I am without it", Magnus said and Alec closed his eyes sighing.

"Magnus, you're not useless", Alec said, "Oh, easy for you to say. You're at the top of your game with an institute of Shadowhunters at your beck and call. Me? Well, I'm just a has-been warlock who isn't good for anything, except comic relief... and drinking. But hey, now all I can do is let you sense what I feel and vice versa, right? Just like you've always wanted", Magnus said.

Alec literally felt his heart stop, no this is not happening, he thought, "All I've ever wanted is for you to be happy", he said.

"[frustrated] Well, I'm not! [pause] What am I doing? You put this beautiful night together and I am picking a fight. It's pathetic", Magnus said and tried leaving.

Alec tried stopping him, "Please, stop. Just listen to me", he said, "You can't help me, Alec!", Magnus said and Alec's heart broke.

Magnus has never called him 'Alec', not when he was serious, "Listen to me for a second! Listen to me! Just let me be here with you!", Alec begged.

"You can't! Alec!", Magnus said, "Please... please...", Alec said and Magnus started crying, "I'm sorry...", Magnus said.

Alec held him like that for some time and felt the body slump as Magnus drifted to sleep from the heavy drinking and Alec carried him to their bed.

Alec laid Magnus down and got up when Magnus held his hand, "I'm sorry...", he mumbled and Alec wiped his tears and tried to get hold of Magnus's hand.

But it slipped, their hands and fingers slipped, it wasn't an accident, Alec thought gasping, he has the hands of an archer, they don't slip when he is trying to hold on to something.

He decided to sleep in his office and left immediately holding his tears and went to the balcony, he looked at the stars.

He let out a scream and dropped to his knees, what he feared had happened, he had not only failed to help Magnus, but he had lost the love of his life, his soulmate.

He let all his emotions out alone, for the first time in 3 years, ever since meeting Magnus both had shown their vulnerability to each other as they grew closer.

But now Alec couldn't and he knew what he had to do to make Magnus whole and it definitely wasn't the proposal.

He took the ring from the plate and left it in his office keeping it inside his desk drawer...

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