The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy

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Alec was too focused on the work with Izzy that he didn't notice what was happening with Jace and Clary.

He turned to look when he heard the NYPD and saw something he never wants to see again, "What's going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?", he asked.

That's when Jace explained that a circle member had followed him to get to Clary, " I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm... There's gotta be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother", Clary said.

Alec sighed, this was too much for him in one day and he wanted a good night's sleep after such a tiring day before dealing with this again and clave too.

When Jace decided to talk to Hodge, Izzy got up and introduced herself to Simon and his wrist started burning immediately, Izzy and Alec shared a look and Alec nodded telling her to explain it to him.

As she extended her hand and they touched a gold swirl formed around the two and Alec smiled, while Simon looked confused.

She took him to her room and Alec continued Izzy's work, it had been nearly an hour or so when Jace came and told them that they were going on a mission to find Dot.

Alec sighed and messaged Magnus saying that he wasn't coming home tonight to which Magnus replied that it was ok and to take care.

He loved Magnus so so much that he knew that he won't be able to go a day without the warlock in his life.

He sighed and went to the training area where Izzy was looking at the weapons, "I don't approve of this mission. I spoke with the Clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear, the little girl does not leave the premises", Alec said after contacting one of the Clave members.

"Hey, my name is not "little girl", okay? I don't care what that Clave thing or you want, I'm going to find Dot", Clary said and Alec wanted to punch something so hard to keep himself at bay. 

"Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary, she's not safe outside alone", Jace said and Alec went to protest but was interrupted by his sister.

"Jace has a point", Izzy said and Alec groaned internally, "Et Tu, Izzy? [to Clary] All right since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?", he asked not wanting to fight.

Clary said they should start with her apartment and stopped when she touched the pendant and said she knew where to go.

They agreed to drive there and Alec's heart stopped when they were nearing the place he hoped no harm would go to.

Magnus was in the party and now was portaling everyone after hearing about Valentine hunting warlocks and that's when Dot came in.

He and Alec decided to pretend they didn't like each other's community so Magnus went along with it and separately portaled himself to their loft.

He was worried about Alec but knew that Isabelle and Jace were there, when walking towards the destination Clary had a vision and started running to the pandemonium shouting.

Alec was literally going to go insane but sighed when he saw that the party was over, soon as he entered he also got a message from Magnus saying that he was home safe.

After seeing the message he relaxed a bit, "It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now", he said.

"So, what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up? What about my memories? They can't just be gone?", Clary asked and Alec looked at Jace and understood the idea that was forming in his parabatai's head.

"There's another option", Jace started, "Don't even—", "Absolutely not", Izzy and Alec said, "I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers", the blonde said.

"Who are the Silent Brothers?", Clary asked, "They're Shadowhunters with superior powers", "Who possesses the ability to recover memories", Jace and Izzy said.

"A process that can also kill you, so there's that. And also we don't know whether Brother Zachariah is there", Alec said as Simon commented on his first comment.

In the end, even after Alec's protests they decided to go to the City of Bones and they did, Jace, Alec, and Izzy discussed it together and finally agreed to do it.

When they were going to walk inside Simon and Jace again had banter and Alec had enough, "I can't be here anymore, so, Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter", Alec said and started walking around.

He called Magnus, "Hey baby", Alec said, "Hello Alexander, what is going on? Are you alright?", the warlock asked and Alec smiled.

"I am fine and we are in the City of Bones", Alec said, "I am sorry WHERE? Alexander-", Magnus started.

"I know I know, but I couldn't stop them", he said and told Magnus what happened a few hours ago, "Ok listen to me young man, you have to come back to me ok? After all this business", Magnus said.

Alec chuckled, "I promise Magnus, and should I tell Clary that you took away the memories?", Alec asked since he had promised him.

"Don't honey, let them do their meddling and then come, don't interrupt them", Magnus said wanting to see how much Jace suffers.

Alec smiled, "Ok fine I'll see you tomorrow?", Alec asked, "I would love that, I love you Alexander", Magnus said as Alec walked back to Izzy.

"I love you too Magnus", Alec said and cut the phone, "You two are so cute", Izzy said while Simon was standing next to the fire.

Alec rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, "Have you told him?", Alec asked and Izzy nodded her head, "He says he needs time to think about this", she said and Alec understood him.

"Hey... It's ok", Alec said Izzy smiled again and nodded when Simon asked about the process and Izzy led him to the van to spend her time.

Alec started pacing here and there when the two came out, "What happened? What did you find out?", he asked.

"Valentine is Clary's father", Jace said and Alec felt the columns crumbling, "Wait a minute. You're telling me this girl shows up out of nowhere and she's Valentine's daughter? Did it occur to you that she might be a spy? This might be part of her plan?", he asked worried about his family and Magnus.

"That's enough, Alec. I know you are worried about us and him but...", Jace said and Clary asked whether she would kidnap her own mother.

I don't know maybe, he is a motivation-driven maniac and he would do anything to get the mortal instruments, Alec thought. That's when Izzy came in saying Simon was gone and in the end, they found out Raphael had taken him.

"Raphael don't do this", Alec said, "Alec I have to, orders from the boss, I am sorry", Raphael said and they took Simon.

Alec swore, kicking a rock, Magnus is going to kill Raphael and him, he thought as walked to the van frustrated with the others. 

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