A Door Into the Dark

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Alec found out as Jocelyn and Clary came that Jocelyn nearly killed Jace, he was angry but he didn't talk with Clary instead he went to the training room and started boxing.

Clary came in and he acted like he didn't see her, "Alec, are you okay?", she asked, "Bold of you to show your face here", Alec said.

"I can explain", Clary said and Alec stopped her, "Unless your explanation can bring Jace back, save it", he said and continued punching.

"You barely know him. I grew up with him. I fought by his side. He's my brother. He's my best friend", he continued.

"Alec...", Clary said and tried to touch him but he pulled away, "Alec, I want Jace back as much as you do. I... I am not my mother", Clary said.

"How well do I even know you? I mean, you show up out of nowhere, you convince my brother, you convince me to search for you mother. And the next thing I know, Jace is gone. And your mother is the one trying to kill him", Alec said.

"I had nothing to do with that, Alec. I would never hurt Jace", Clary said and Alec rolled his eyes and looked at her.

"Since you've arrived, you've caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost deruned. And now Valentine has my parabatai. I nearly had to marry a women and hurt my soulmate. And it's all because of you", Alec said and Izzy walked in.

"Alec", Izzy said, "I'm sorry", Clary said, "Alec, this isn't her fault", Izzy said, "When are you gonna realize you don't belong here? You never have", Alec said and left with his sister following him.

"Alec you can't blame everything on her", Izzy said as they walked together, "Really Iz, at least can't you agree that everything started after she came only, even Simon dying and becoming a vampire?", he asked and Izzy sighed.

She knows it was the truth, "Fine I agree, but don't throw it all on her", Izzy said and Alec nodded and they left to find Jace on Lydia's order.

"He said the best fighters in the city come here", Alec said as they entered the boxing place, "It's only a matter of time before Valentine hits this place", Izzy said.

They saw a man named Mark fight another man and defeat him, "You got some moves", Izzy said, "Yeah? How about I take you home and show you some of those moves, up close and personal?", Mark asked and Alec moved forward.

"That's funny. You really think you have a chance with her?", Alec asked, "And who are you?", Mark asked.

"I'm the guy who's gonna put you down if you don't shut your mouth", Alec said, "Why don't you come up and try, pretty boy?", Mark said and Izzy stopped him.

She went to fight Mark, "By the way don't call my brother pretty boy", she said and hit him and he fainted, "His boyfriend won't like it", she said as all cheered for her and Alec looked smug.

Magnus was making some portion when Simon came through the portal, "So, what's the emergency?", Magnus asked.

"I need help tracking down your friend Camille. You're the only one I know who knows her as well as Raphael", Simon said.

Magnus agreed to help him and messaged Alec saying he will be out for sometime and not to do anything stupid.

Here Alec and Izzy lost their only source, while Magnus portaled Simon and himself to Agra and started searching.

Magnus found that most of the things Camille had was his including a special dagger which always gave him fright.

Simon went in search of Camille and found a box and together they portaled back home, while all this happened Clary went with Dot and was captured.

Alec and Izzy was walking through the corridors thinking of different ways to find Jace when Jocelyn came.

"Alec, Isabelle", she called and showed them the stone, "I have a way", she said, "How did you get that? Only the Iron Sisters have access to adamas", Izzy asked.

"Luke's mother is an Iron Sister. She told him about an ancient way to communicate through the parabatai bond. [to Alec] Through your linked spirits", Jocelyn said.

"Oh, I see. So you want me to help you find my brother so you can try and kill him again?", Alec said and walks away when Jocelyn stops him again.

"No. I wanna find Clary. She was kidnapped by Dot", she said and Alec stopped looking at her, "If Luke's had the stone all along, why didn't he say anything when Jace first went missing?", Isabelle asked as Alec was lying on the bed.

"I'll be honest. There are some serious risks involved", Jocelyn said and Alec's phone dinged with Magnus's message in Izzy's hand.

"What kind of risks?", she asked while looking at the message, "The parabatai that initiates the contact... it can be taxing on his body, on his mind", Jocelyn said.

"Izzy, it's fine", Alec said and Izzy shook her head, "I'm not liking the sound of this. Taxing how?", she asked.

"We're not sure. Of the few people who have tried it, not many have come back to talk about it", Jocelyn said and Izzy got up.

"Forget it. He's not doing it", she said, "Don't listen to her", Alec said, "No, Alec. I've already lost both parents to Idris and a brother to Valentine. I'm not gonna lose you, too", she said.

"Besides Magnus already had messaged not to do anything stupid as he is going out for sometime and listen to him", she said.

"He needs me, Iz. And I can't... I can't live without him", Alec said and Izzy sighed and Jocelyn gave him the stone.

He started tracking and he started losing himself and the stone fell, "Alec!", Izzy called as he started to bleed through the nose.

"Shit", she said but she knew she shouldn't have let him do this and it was too late, she immediately called Magnus.

"Yes Isabelle?", Magnus said, "Magnus we need you here immediately", she said frantically, "What happened Isabelle? Where is Alexander? Why do I feel him slipping?", Magnus asked.

"He is Magnus please come fast", Izzy said and without any other word Magnus jumped into a portal and rushed to the institute.

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