All Good Things...

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Izzy, Jace and Meliorn went to fight Lilith and Meliorn got hurt, at that time Magnus and Alec along with the others came out of a portal.

Magnus and Lorenzo healed Meliorn when Lilith as a wraith came flying towards them, Magnus and Lorenzo tried to stop her with magic but couldn't.

Alec tried to shoot her with his arrows and it didn't harm her at all and Izzy stepped forward and blasted her with Heavenly fire which killed Lilith.

But Izzy was consumed with the fire and she fell to the floor and Clary decided to use the alliance rune and share the fire.

They did and in the process they destroyed Edom, "It looks like the heavenly fire destroyed Lilith. But the chain reaction is destroying the entire realm", Magnus said.

"Then we should get out of here", Jace said, "Wait. Don't we have to close the rift?", Alec asked Magnus.

"There's no reason to close it if Edom doesn't exist anymore. [Magnus quickly opens a Portal.] Come on! Hurry!", he said and all ran into it Magnus being the last looking one last time at Edom.

All jumped out at the institute and Alec immediately after catching his breath hugged Magnus tightly.

He now only started breathing normally and Magnus melted into the hug, Simon and Izzy also hugged and kissed each other.

Jace coughed breaking the couples and Magnus rolled his eyes, "Now what blondie?", he asked and Alec smiled and held Magnus's waist.

Magnus leaned into Alec, "Well sparkles, since all is back to normal, I think it's better we all get rest, considering Alec didn't sleep for two days and all", Jace said and Izzy facepalmed.

Alec glared at Jace, "I am sorry WHAT?!?!", Magnus asked and Jace realized what he said and chuckled nervously seeing Alec seething at him.

"Don't glare at him Alexander, what were you doing not sleeping?", Magnus asked, "Searching a way to get to you of course", Maryse Lightwood said descending the steps.

"I guess our job here is done, we'll take your leave", Meliorn said, "Bane you can keep your apartment but I'll take my things back", Lorenzo said and Magnus smiled.

The two downworlders left and Maryse hugged Magnus, "It's good to have you back Magnus", Maryse said.

"It's good to be back", Magnus said, "But you have to excuse us, I have a kid to put to sleep", he said glaring at Alec who looked away.

"I am not a kid", Alec said pouting, "Well then for an adult you are very stubborn Alexander", Magnus said opening the portal.

"I am not stubborn I wanted to find you so I can sleep peacefully", he said stepping into the portal with Magnus not caring about the others.

"Well how will I feel when I get to know that you once again sacrificed something for me, to find me", Magnus said and the portal closed behind them.

"Do they purposefully do that to make me irritated or don't they realize it?", Jace asked pointing where the portal was a second ago.

Izzy smiled, "Don't think too much bro, come on Simon we have a date to attend", she said pulling Simon with her.

"How about we take some rest?", Clary asked Jace who nodded and they went to their room, Maryse smiled at her kids and left to work.

Izzy and Simon formed their new bonds, which were pink, blue, green, yellow and orange like Malec.

Jace and Clary also had their love making and was asleep, Magnus and Alec after their cute banter went to sleep.

Magnus woke up first to see Alec still asleep facing him and Magnus smiled softly moving Alec's hair out of the shadowhunter's face and got up without waking the man.

Izzy and Simon were sitting on the couch under their sheets and Simon was playing with Izzy's fingers.

"You know what's weird?", he asked, "What?", Izzy asked, "That this, you and me, it's not weird", Simon said.

"I know. It's the opposite of weird", Izzy said smiling and Simon remembered how few months before kissing Clary felt weird, but now kissing Izzy felt right, being with her felt right.

They started kissing again and Magnus here was writing something when Alec entered with a smile on his face.

For a second he thought saving Magnus was all a dream as he woke up and saw Magnus missing, but when he called for Magnus and got a reply back he sighed and walked towards the direction from where the voice came.

He wore his t-shirt, "Good morning", Alec said and Magnus got up holding a paper, "Good morning it is. A good morning indeed", Magnus said walking towards Alec who kissed his cheek.

"What's this?", Alec asked taking the paper and holding Magnus and read it,

""You are cordially invited to the wedding of Alexander Gideon Lightwood and Magnus Bane." [He continues reading.] Tonight?", he finished reading and looked at Magnus doubtfully as he wasn't sure that they could pull it off that quickly.

"Why wait even a day longer? After everything we've been through, who knows what crisis will befall us tomorrow", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"I don't know. I was hoping that maybe we could plan", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "When your wedding planner is a warlock, all you need is a little magic and exquisite taste. Ah, all right. First up, location. How about the Taj Mahal?", he said and Alec shook his head.

"Mmm-mmm", Alec muttered, "Or Machu Picchu, hmm, in the Temple of the Sun?", Magnus asked walking a couple of steps away picturing their wedding.

Alec walked behind him, "Or how about the Institute?", he asked and Magnus turned to face Alec.

"Right. Because when I think romantic, I think of the New York Institute. How about Ladera in St. Lucia? Overlooking the tropical sea. Portals will shuttle in guests, and we can–", Magnus started sarcastically and was interrupted.

"Baby, just think. The Clave would have to honor and celebrate a relationship between a warlock and a Shadowhunter. Under their own roof. I mean, think about the message that would send to others like us", Alec said and Magnus thought about it.

He smiled, "All right. The Institute it is, then. I'll send out invitations and begin preparations. Tuxedos?", he asked and Alec nodded.

"I do like you in a tux", Alec said, "Mmm. Why mess with success? [Alec has a big dorky smile on his face.] What?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head.

"It's just, all these hundreds of years, I can't believe you've never been married", Alec said and Magnus smiled and came closer to Alec and wrapped his hands around the shadowhunter's neck.

"Well, I've never met anyone like you", Magnus said and the two kissed, "I love you", Alec said as they broke the kiss and their foreheads touched.

"I love you more", Magnus said and Alec chuckled, they soon got to their wedding preparations, the wedding was on...

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