All Good Things...

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Jace and Clary were walking down the ops center when they received a fire message of the invitation.

"They're not wasting any time. It's happening tonight", Jace said happily feeling how happy Alec was feeling, at the same time happy for the couple.

"I can't think of a couple more perfect for each other", Clary said smiling, "I can think of one", Jace said and they had a moment before Jace left to meet Alec, who was in his office.

Jace smiled seeing Alec walking while playing with his ring and Alec smiled seeing Jace come in, "I guess you heard", Alec said and Jace hugged Alec ecstatically.

"I sensed it long before I got the invite. Alec, congratulations. I'm so happy for you", Jace said genuinely happy and Alec smiled.

"Thank you. You know, Magnus is taking care of everything", Alec said and Jace smirked, "Right", he said.

"But there's a few things I have to do. Like asking you to be my suggenes", Alec said, "Again?", Jace asked chuckling slightly.

"Again. Yeah", Alec said and the two laughed, "Alec, of course", Jace said and Alec paused, his smile dropping a bit.

"Uh, plus, there's something else I wanted to tell you. I'm gonna be moving into Magnus' apartment", Alec said and Jace's smile also dropped a little.

"Oh", he said softly, this was the first time in nearly 11-12 years that the parabatai's are going to be apart.

"It's not a problem, right?", Alec asked, "No. I mean, there's no rule that says the head of Institute has to... Has to live on-site. Right?", Jace asked.

"Right", Alec said, "Just, um... don't be a stranger", Jace said and Alec's face broke into a smile again.

"Jace, you're my parabatai. Wherever I go, you're right there next to me", Alec said and Jace's face also broke into a smile and the two hugged.

Clary asked Izzy to her parabatai and Izzy agreed happily and Clary met with Luke who told her about the change.

Clary saw a light and followed it to her room where she saw her mother as a messenger telling her to stop using the rune power as the angels didn't like it.

Clary was having a hard time believing that and she started crying, Magnus here was getting everything ready when Lorenzo came for his things.

"Alec told me how helpful and supportive you were. He means a lot to me", Magnus said and Lorenzo smiled.

"Actually, the trip to Edom turned out to be something of an inspiration. You know, I never had a family. Never thought one was even possible. But the way your loved ones rallied for you, for each other, showed me a family doesn't need to be something that you're born into. Families can be made. One day, I hope to be as lucky as you in finding one of my own. Take care, Magnus", Lorenzo said and was going to leave but Magnus stopped him and gave him an invitation.

Alec went to tell Maryse who was at first frantic as she thought as there was no time, but Alec assured her that Magnus has everything under control.

"This evening?", she asked, "We didn't want to waste any more time", Alec said smiling, "There's so much to prepare. How can you possibly–", Alec stopped her by holding her hand.

"Magnus has it all under control. He's taking care of everything", Alec said and Maryse sighed smiling.

"In that case, it'll be perfect. [they hug] Oh, what am I gonna wear? I need time to go shopping", she said and Alec gave the dress Magnus told him to give it to her.

She saw Alec's face change and asked what was wrong, Alec asked if he could invite Robert and Maryse said him to and the two hugged again.

Alec was alerted as there were attacks going on the other institutes and found out it was Jonathan.

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