Beside Still Water

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Alec left early after wishing Magnus good bye as he knew Valentine was close to raising the Angel, Magnus was home when Simon and Luke came in saying Maia was missing.

Magnus said he would help as soon as he deals with Valentine as he had the warlocks put wards around the city.

"Magnus' wards are up. Valentine must still be in the city", Jace said as they were discussing in the ops.

"Thank the Angel for Magnus and the warlocks", Izzy said and Alec and Izzy went to discus something private when the aerial sensors went off.

The four immediately left to the place to find a huge flying demon they didn't know and Alec shot it with his arrow.

The demon burst and turned into smaller ones and started running around the city, they tried to follow it but it split up and ran away.

As they were walking through the streets Alec got to know from Clary that Valentine was on his way to Idris.

They decided to split up and Clary and Jace went there while Izzy and Alec went to the institute still searching for the demons.

"There's over 50 of them now, with numbers increasing", Izzy said looking at the screen, "They haven't attacked once. What are they doing?", Alec asked.

"I don't know, but demons don't usually come into our realm to sightsee. We need to find the rift where they're coming from and seal it", Izzy said and Alec nodded.

"We'll need a warlock for that", Alec said, "Not just any warlock. The most powerful one in New York", Izzy said and Alec looked at her.

He nodded and left to his loft, "Magnus?", he called, "Yes Alexander?", Magnus said from the kitchen.

"I need your help and I am sorry", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, "Why are you sorry honey?", he asked coming towards Alec.

"I am asking too many helps from you", Alec stated, "Well my blue eyed shadowhunter, I will always help you no matter what", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

The two kissed and Alec explained about the demons and wanting help to close the rift, "And also the Seelie Queen", Alec started.

"Is helping Valentine, I know honey", Magnus completed and they left to the institute, "I just spoke with Imogen. Despite her request, there have been no troop movements in and out of Alicante since. When she went to Malachi to see what the holdup was, she was told he'd left suddenly", Izzy said as they walked through the ops.

"So she believes Consul Malachi is actually a spy for Valentine?", Magnus asked as they stood next to the table.

"There is no other explanation", Izzy said, "Jace and Clary are in Lake Lyn with Valentine, who knows how many Circle members and no military support", Alec stated.

"We need to go help them", Izzy said and Alec shook his head, "I can't leave when the city is under assault", Alec said.

Izzy looked at Magnus, "What have you got?", Magnus asked, "We've identified the demons as a rare sub-species of adomei", Izzy explained.

"Adomei?", Magnus asked surprised, "Familiar with them?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded, "They're from Edom. Tenacious little devils", Magnus said.

"And remarkably intelligent, capable of creating carnage in any number of ways", he finished, "Yet they haven't attacked once. What are they waiting for?", Alec asked.

"They work in hordes. Perhaps they're increasing their numbers to reach a critical mass", Magnus said.

"All the more reason to get this rift closed as soon as possible", Izzy said and pin pointed the place and the three left.

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