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Standing at the castle gates, looking at the winged hogs that sat atop the pedestals on either side of the gate, she felt uneasy and nervous. Hogwarts loomed in the background, every window twinkling with candlelight in the dimly lit night. Standing there, it was hard to explain her feelings-nerves, happiness, anxiety, fear, excitement? Her stomach was flipping all around, her hands were sweating as she pulled her raven black hair into a bun. A nervous tick to getting the long hair away from her skin, her fringe falling into her eyes as she stood waiting for what was to come. In the distance, a tall slim figure hurried her way, their wand tip bouncing a small orb of light as they hurried toward her.

"Hello, Miss Nonemacker," the older witch smiled. Harper swallowed the nervous spit in her mouth as she nodded slowly, the gates opening with an intimidating slowness. "Welcome to Hogwarts my dear."

Harper coughed, "thank you....erm, professor McGonagall."

"Has your aunt given you information on all the professors here?" The witch gave a comforting smile as she signaled Harper to follow her up the sloping hill toward the castle. The looming threat was now a warm welcome as the dozens of lights continued to sparkle through the windows like stars. 

"Yes....erm, she did..." Harper spoke quietly. "Not much, just small tips. Who taught what."

McGonagall nodded as they reached giant double doors that were slightly opened, "now your parents did send a letter explaining your....gift. We will do the sorting privately and you may eat with your aunt tonight if that sounds appropriate, she was very excited to see you today. I know meeting the other students sounds appealing, but tonight may be a bit too overwhelming for you."

Harper cleared her throat, she was an ordinary thirteen year old girl-except for one peculiar talent: she was a legilimens. But not a very good one, she couldn't control that power very well and large crowds with heightened feelings tended to set off her talent much easier than she would care to admit. 

"I do...I do want to sit with the students," Harper stammered. She looked at her hands and frowned, "I don't think my parents would want me to though." 

"Between the nervous first years who are still waiting to be sorted, and all the other years that have returned and are excitedly catching each other up on their holidays. I do believe that would be a bit overwhelming for you." 

Harper gave a small smile, she already loved this woman for how kind she was. When her parents had moved and discussed she would be attending a new school, Harper had been terrified. Things hadn't gone well at her other school, her powers were out of control and it had caused many a spectacle within the student body. 

"Dinner with Sybill sounds perfect then." 

McGonagall gave a warm smile, from here you could hear the sound of students happily laughing and talking to friends they had missed over the summer. Harper looked toward another set of double doors that were wide open, she could make out two long tables packed with children all excitedly grabbing at food. Even from here, her head began to pound as a culmination of whispers began to push against her temples. She gave a longing sigh before stepping into the small room, the door shutting behind and cutting off the noise and pressure. 

In the room stood a stool with a worn hat, in the corner two figures moved: one an older gentlemen with a long silver beard and half moon spectacles. He gave her a warm smile as the person beside him clapped her hands together. She was dressed in her silks and her wrists clinked with the amount of bangles. Sybill Trelawney was excitedly grinning as her niece stood before her.

"Ah, my dear! You've finally arrived, your mother sent an owl explaining everything. I am so excited for this moment," Sybill Trelawney's voice wavered as she put her hands to her face, her eyes brimming. "I can't remember how long its been, my poppy."

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