Under a Paper Moon

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"I'm building a place, something amazing
Just for the sake of saving us from under the sun
Two plastic hearts with nowhere to run
We're rolling the dice on whatever's left
Cause God only knows that we could use the rest
Me and you, living under a paper moon
Cause real life just isn't right"
-Under A Paper Moon, All Time Low

George sat in the library across from Harper, a goofy smile on his face as he continued to watch the raven haired girl furiously writing out her revisions for her O.W.L.S.

"Study one subject. Just one," Harper muttered, not looking up at him. "The examinations start soon."

"I'm sorry I just really missed being able to watch you work, it's...adorable," he smiled, leaning his cheek against his hand and sighing.

Harper met his gaze and gave a small smile, "there's no way that's true."

"Harpsichord, I'm a love sick fool for you. It's completely true!"

Harper snickered, turning back to her work, "honestly..."

"After everything we've been through, are you really going to question me?" He laughed.

Tapping her nails on the wood, she sucked in her cheek and scowled. "Celeste's party last term. How did you really know about it?"

"I'd heard Fred and Angelina talking about it, I followed after you lot and was hanging around," George shrugged. "I wasn't going to intervene or ruin your night, but when I saw you dancing with Ryder I started noticing something was wrong. I waited for the others to notice but when no one was moving, I had to do something."

"What if he had just been stepping on my feet?"

"Was he stepping on your feet?" He snickered.

"No..." Harper blushed.

George grinned, pulling his charms book to him and flipping to a random page, "Harpsichord? Thank you for another chance."

"I was always going to give you another chance, George," Harper smiled, putting down her quill and stretching her fingers. "I needed the time to focus on things."

"I don't know, there were often times that I wasn't so sure...especially when you thought I'd flirt with Desmond," George mused with a laugh.

"Desmond is so much prett-

"No, not in a million years, Harpsichord," he grinned. "I said I'd wait, I meant it."

Harper hid her smile behind her hands, her face flushing as she stammered slightly. "Study, Weasley."

"I am studying," George winked.

Harper rolled her eyes, trying to contain her laugh, "for the O.W.L.S."

"Ah...you caught me, I wasn't studying for those..."



George's grin was big as Harper giggled into her hands. He'd missed hearing her laughter.


Walking toward the divination room, something felt off as Harper approached. When the trap door popped open and Harry Potter revealed himself looking a mess, Harper knew something was wrong immediately.

"Erm, Harper I'm sorry...Professor Trelawney...she erm...I think she had a vision?" Harry was rambling as Harper pushed past him and up the ladder, looking around from the hole, until she saw Sybill in her chair fanning herself.

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