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""Don't waste time getting to the point, cause I'm, I'm patiently waiting
For your next phone call, your next excuse for losing sleep again
Tell me what you think about being open
And being honest with yourself"
-Honestly, Cartel"


Harper stood in the ornate green house, looking over the small plot of snap dragons she grew intermixed with her venomous tentacula she had convinced Sprout to allow her to plant as an advanced lesson on the side of their curriculum, Harper began to hum to herself and the small vines of the tentacula began to sway.

Off in the distance Harper watched Ginny hurrying along the edge of the grounds a fair distance away, she looked haggard and stressed.

Just calm down, things are fine. Nothing is wrong.

Harper bit her lower lip as Ginny's thoughts carried over to her, they were so weak it didn't take her by surprise, it was as if Ginny was whispering right next to her.

Ginny bolted when Harper took a step outside of the ornate building, unsure if Harper had been seen or not she gave a heavy sigh and hurried into the castle just in time to make it to transfiguration.


Harper was jostled from her seat as Peeve's voice rang through the corridor, she looked over at George and Fred with wide eyes as they launched out of their chairs after McGonagall.

In the corridor was Harry standing over Justin and Nearly Headless Nick, both the latest victims of petrification.

Potter?! So he is the heir!

Has he lost his mind?!

He did send the snake after Justin

It's Potter! He's the heir!

Oh god....

Harper clutched her head, the unexpected pressure drilling into her, she groaned and leaned her head against Angelina's shoulder; George patting her arm absentmindedly. The pressure stopped during the contact but when George removed his hand, she was assaulted again with double the pressure it felt like.

"it wasn't Harry," Harper whispered in Angelina's ear who nodded.

"Sure is looking like it though," Angelina whispered back, pulling them backward and into the empty transfiguration classroom. "Better?"

Harper coughed, rubbing her temples and nodded, "the perfect situation and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop anyone."

"It's alright-"

"No, Ange. It's really not," Harper laughed, rubbing at her eyes and sighing.

At this rate she was never going to get control over this.


Harper sat in the great hall with Harry as he contemplated his next move in chess.

"Come on, Potter! I gave you three minutes," Harper laughed.

"It's not that easy..." Harry muttered, his face flushing slightly.

"Sir, you were part of a real life chess board. Don't make excuses."

"You do realize we only won because of Ron...right? I had nothing to do with it."

"Oh Harper, there you are!" She smiled over at Fred as he slid onto the bench beside her, he gave Harry a tight smile, fighting the urge to make fun of the poor boy as he'd been doing since Justin's attack last month.

"What do you say to some snow time fun, folks?"

"I was actually going to work on some essays," Harry denied, Fred stuck out his tongue.

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