The Hideaway

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"And then I found me a lover who could play the bass
He's kinda quiet, but his body ain't
Spend the days dreaming and the nights awake
Doin' things we know we shouldn't do
'Cause I wouldn't be with you
Says he can't believe he found me
Wraps his arms around me"
-Pierre, Ryn Weaver


Harper's removal as Head Girl spread around the school like wildfire, the first to confront her was her own house, Ginny giving a fake eulogy in regards to her time as one of the most questionable Head Girls they'd ever come to know. The twins threw a small celebration in the form of a funeral service to Harper's Head Girl status, the group dressed in all black and grey, giving fake speeches about Harper's abilities as the most aloof and lenient Head Girl ever.

"She was nothing like Percy, she'll be sorely missed," Ginny fake sniffed, dabbing away fake tears.

"Best Prefect I've ever met, never once did I get caught for putting that soap charm on the fifth floor bathrooms last year, or turning the water for the prefects' bathroom blue a few months ago!" Fred sighed, dramatically fainting against Angelina as the group sat around the fireplace.

"She'll be sorely missed," Lee wiping away fake tears, taking a sip of his butterbeer.

"Taken away at the prime of our pranks," George said with a fake sob at the end, raising his Butterbeer in the air.

"Oi! I'm still alive you lot," Harper laughed, George's arm tightening around her waist.

"But the Head Girl is gone!" Joy cried, faking a sob into her hands.

"How much more of this?" Harper whined, laughing as Joy winked at her.

"Not much longer," George mused as he looked at her watch with a sly wink.

Harper pouted, leaning into his chest as they sat together in her favorite chair, "hideaway tonight, right?"

George's eyes lit up slightly, giving a small nod with a grin, it'd been a few weeks since George presented their hideaway, and it'd been a few weeks since they'd actually come up for air from that room. Having spent every free second they could in that room ignoring the chaos of the castle while intimately entangled in a blissful world of their own.

"Harper? Have you checked on Sybill recently?" Joy asked, giving her a pointed look, the conversation turning serious for a moment. A pang of guilt shot through her heart.

"Oh, she sorta locked herself away and now she's been waltzing around the castle....I haven't," George's fingers intertwined with hers. "I was giving her a little bit of space before I started hovering around."

"Let's go for a visit, love," George offered in her ear.

"I think I will," Harper smiled, getting to her feet and picking up her bag she'd packed to take to the hideaway. "See you soon," she spoke lowly in his ear.

"But there's so many more eulogies!" Angelina shouted after her.

"Write 'em down for me then!" Harper responded, hurrying on her way to the divination tower.

Arriving at the tower, the trapdoor was left open, the scent of sandalwood wafted down to greet her as Harper ascended the ladder. Sticking her head through the flooring she saw the room was dimly lit, a shadow cast beside the fireside while Harper climbed into the room.

"Sybill?" Harper called out, calmly walking toward her aunt's slumped figure in her chair.

"Oh poppy! You're here!" Sybill breathed, her breath stunk of sherry. Harper tried to hide her disdain of the seer being in such a state. "I thought you'd forgotten me...."

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