In My Head

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"Let it begin
Push it away, but its pulling me in
Try to pretend
I see the pattern in front of my eyes
Something inside me opening wide
I can't stop it when it starts
Trying not to fall apart
Building up until it all goes dark
Breathing heavy on my shoulder
And I'm trying to fake it
But there's no way to escape it."
-In my Head, Mike Shinoda


It could've been the spider webbing effect of the magical barrier that surrounded the castle slowly disintegrating when it finally struck midnight. It could've been that explosion Lee and Fred set off in order to collapse one of the secret passages as voices echoed through them. Maybe it was watching George fall on the other side of the flooring and separating them for the foreseeable future, the split in the stone sending a very clear message: there was no coming back from this fight.

They were going to end it all tonight. Someone was going to win. Good or bad. There was going to be a winner and loser.

Hopefully their side were the winners

Or maybe it was the fates' shitty way of causing Harper to see hallucinations that caused her heart to still.

But for whatever reason, as Harper looked at her friend doubled over and catching his breath, Harper tried to keep the bile down.

A caved in head, like stone had come down on him. Blood leaked out of his ears and a gash in the center of his head

"-so which way, Harps?"

Fred looked up at her, completely unharmed aside from some dust on his clothing when the wall collapsed earlier.

Get yourself together

Harper looked around, if there were anyone she was truly gunning for tonight. They would be upwards. The highest vantage point to cause the most havoc.

All Harper could picture was the immeasurable amount of revenge she could get tonight. Not for herself, but for everyone: the missing, the dead-Cedric crossed her mind, the death that started it all-the ones imprisoned somewhere possibly scared for their lives.

George's wand seemed to be in sync with her, sparks shot from the end, signaling its own desire to do her bidding. A caress against her mind told her to keep going until she found her prey. Something shifted in her mind, creating a clear and concise plan before her: steel her mind with mental walls so thick nothing could penetrate them, cover any and everyone that they came across, and get her revenge. She waited and waited for the moment that she fell prey to the drilling pressure at the base of her skull, the distant screams that banged on those mental walls forged of pure titanium. It was the only blessing she currently clung to: the ability to walk these halls without doubling over in pain.

Thank the fates for this at least

Fred's face told her that he was studying her closer than normal, watching her for any signs of trouble.


Fred looked at the moving staircases, watching the chaos around them as they could thankfully catch a brief breath. Colorful hues of spells collided all around them as they watched people defending their lives.

Harper had the feeling the castle was defending students, the stairs moving just as a member of the DA or an ordinary student touched them, the death eater that had been pursuing them falling through the gap that was left as the staircase moved to the next connection.

Two bodies must've fell while Harper stood with her mouth agape staring between the chaos around them and her friend.

"I need to find Sybill," Harper informed him. Which was half true, if she could get to her aunt she would be able to better protect the seer during this. She would also be able to mention what she was seeing.

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