Harper Is For Lovers

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"Hey there
I know it's hard to feel
Like I don't care at all
Where you are and how you feel
With these lights off as these wheels
Keep rolling on and on
Slow things down or speed them up
Not enough or way too much (and on and on and on)
How are you when I'm gone?"
-Ohio is for lovers, Hawthorne Heights


"Good morning, Head Girl," Fred winked as he took his seat beside Harper who grunted a tired hello. "Have a late night?" Fred snickered as a tired looking George took the other side of Harper a moment later.

"Shut it," Harper growled, Joy and Alicia giggled from across the table.

"We wanted to give you your gifts, but....we sort of fell asleep waiting for you to return, Harps," Joy snickered.

Harper looked up from her oatmeal, clicking her tongue against the roof her mouth, "hmmmm I could give a detention you know?"

"Oi! That's not fair!" Joy pouted, fixing her glasses on her nose.

Harper snorted slightly as she looked over her timetable, she gave it a slight smile as she saw double Potions and double Transfiguration this term with Herbology being first thing that morning.

"That looks pretty awful," Fred frowned as he looked over her schedule.

"Yours looks like mine!" Harper took Fred's and saw that while he was doing the typical classes-Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Defense, and Herbology, there were a lot more free spaces. "Oh....You took off Divination?"

"Need it for the shop, thanks to Potter giving us his winnings last term we're standing good in terms of the shop," Fred lowered his voice for only Harper to hear, she looked up and saw Angelina taking her spot beside Joy, a frown on her face.

"This year, let's just have a nice quiet and normal year," Angelina sighed happily as she smiled at Harper. "Yeah?"

"Why're you looking at me like its my fault things happen?" Harper said with disgust in her voice.

The girls all gave Harper a look before turning back to their breakfasts.

"I love you, H. But come on...." Angelina snorted.

"Well....I wouldn't say they're your fault specifically, but I do remember that the only stress free time I've enjoyed in this school were my first and second years....both didn't include you, Harps," Lee pointed his fork at Harper with a wink. "Of course we love you...but yeah...you're the constant in our lives that brought chaos."

Harper frowned at her food, she felt both shins get kicked in, Alicia and Angelina were staring at her with raised eyebrows. "What?!" Harper frowned.

"She didn't hear us," Alicia looked at Angelina.

"No....huh," Angelina smacked her lips together and nodded slowly.

"Hear what?" Harper asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Alright, that's enough picking on my girlfriend," George frowned, his arm going around her shoulders protectively, "find something else to discuss would you?"

"So what kept you out so late last night, Harps?" Joy grinned, looking over at George with a wink.

"Something else, Joy," George muttered darkly.

"Fine, I'll read it in her diary later, you great big tosspot," Joy scoffed with a wink.

"My diary isn't for you people, you know that right?! I use it to keep track of things like my day or any random dreams I have to discuss with Sybill," Harper looked at her friends who all tried to hide their smiles. "It really isn't!"

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