Check Yes, Harper

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"Check, yes Juliet, kill the limbo
I'll keep tossing rocks at your window
There's no turning back for us tonight
Check, yes Juliet, I'll be waiting Wishing,
wanting yours for the taking
-Check Yes, Juliet. We The Kings"

"What'd McGonagall want?" Alicia asked as they walked toward Herbology after Transfiguration.

"Just how I'm doing...and being a prefect and such," Harper shrugged.

"The boys said to take the viaduct to Herbology, something about setting off a dung bomb around the courtyard," Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Hmmm does that count as catching them in the act if I know ahead of time or not?" Harper chuckled, picking up their pace.

"It was the courtyard underneath the astronomy tower....which is on our way," Alicia grinned.

"Let's go catch some weasels," Harper grinned as the two ran toward the courtyard in hopes of finding the twins.

When they arrived by the courtyard, Harper tried to catch her breath as she looked around, spotting the red hair standing behind a tree. Tossing her bag on the ground, Harper slowly inched toward them, pulling her wand from her boot and pointing at them.

"Petrificus totalus."

The boys were frozen in place, Harper ran forward to find two dummies that fell to the ground with a thud, Harper frowned as her body froze up. Fred and George came into view on the other side of the tree, their identical Cheshire grins taking up the majority of their faces.

"Ah ha! Caught you," Fred grinned.

George tapped her nose and winked, above her head a shower of glitter fell and covered her. Fred removed the body bind as the twins grinned.

"Was this a setup?!" Harper looked at Alicia who looked just as surprised as she came closer.

"Not entirely, we did plan something. But we knew someone was going to snitch about it," George bumped Alicia's shoulder as her face flushed.

"Harps, I swear-"

"Yeah...should've seen that coming actually," Harper laughed, trying to shake the glitter from her hair.

"Let's get going to class, shall we?" Alicia laughed slightly, brushing some glitter off Harper's shoulder.

"Nice look, Nonemacker," Cedric laughed when they got to Herbology. Harper shook out her hair, more glitter falling to the ground. "Pretty as the night sky, I'd say."

Harper pursed her lips together, waiting for George's outburst but nothing came as she braced herself. "You're on thin ice, Diggory."

Cedric gave a wink as their class got started for the day.


"Tell me why we're in the library?" George looked at Harper who was furiously writing something, her braids looking like two large snakes around her neck while she scowled.

"To work on our assignments and study for the O.W.L.S." Harper glanced up at George as he leaned his head on his charms book.

"But Harpsichord! Those aren't until next term! Why're you starting now?!" George whined. It was only a month into school now, George and Harper seemed to find themselves in a routine of studying in the library together—alone. Or if Harper was in the library alone, it was only minutes later until George appeared. Often times Fred and Lee came for alibis, Hermione and Ginny appeared to study with her occasionally if it wasn't the boys.

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she put down her quill, "I didn't become top of our year because I lazed around, George."

George groaned, leaning back in his chair and tapping his fingers on the table, "you know you don't have to work this hard though. You're brilliant after all....always have been."

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