About a Girl

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"To be loved, to be loved
What more could you ask for?
To be loved, to be loved
Everyone wants
To be loved, to be loved
I'm not in love
I'm not gonna waste these words"
-About a girl, The Academy is...


George walked by the forbidden forest toward the area used for Care of Magical Creatures, scowling at the gilded carriages as he passed.

"Your face is going to stay like that if you continue," George groaned as he turned his head to see Marz coming up beside him. "Morning to you too."

"What do you want?" George scowled.

Marz shrugged, "I saw you and our little friend are getting pretty close recently."

"Just spit it out, I have class," George growled.

"Doesn't it scare you?"

"No, because I trust Harper," George looked at the blonde as she frowned, rolling her eyes.

"I trusted her as well, until everything happened with Marta."

"What exactly happened?" George sighed, knowing it would possibly be all lies.

"Ah ah ah, Harper should explain it."

"No," George stopped walking, he was about a head taller than the girl, he towered over her, folding his arms with a harsh glare. "You're going to tell me your version of events, so when Harper does feel comfortable enough to talk about it, I'll be able to know if you lied or not."

"So you don't trust her to tell you the truth?" Marz smirked.

"I don't trust you," George frowned, fixing his bag on his shoulder. "So I want to hear what you think you know."

"Alright alright," Marz sighed, fixing her caplet as she glared. "Most people believed Harper was very charismatic when they first met her: super friendly, and talkative. Except, her conversations always started with a topic that came out of nowhere, as if she were answering unspoken questions-which actually turned out to be true. It didn't seem odd at first, considering she is from a family of seers. But these were often very specific and pointed questions that we privately had but she brought them to light as effortlessly as breathing."

"That's not odd, you were-"

Marz held up a finger, "it happened again when Marta was having issues with her home. Harper asked Marta who knew about her parents and their high strung tendencies in the girl's schooling. No one. Not a soul brought it up, not a soul spoke about that topic, we weren't even talking about schooling at the time. Marta was simply thinking about how she couldn't fail or else."

"A lot of this is circumstantial-"

"When Marta started seeing Harper in her dreams, that's when the problems really arose." Marz continued, "that's when we started realizing Harper's little talent of being extremely charismatic, was not as charming as we thought."

George glared, the holes in the story didn't line up, but he would have to wait to speak to Harper. "Of course you don't believe me and that's fine, but I'm warning you. She's too dangerous for her own good. The fact that none of the student body seem to know what she can do is astounding...but I'm sure if they do find out, there will be hell like there had been at home."

"I've seen that girl go through hell and high water, she's perfect in every way. I've watched that girl overcome her biggest fears, hell she was attacked by a werewolf last year and brushed it off like a ruddy joke. That girl is as harmless as a glow bug."

"Oh...it'll hurt when that pedestal crumbles," Marz giggled, her accent grating against George's nerves.

"I'm late for class," George glared, walking away from the girl.

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