Tell Me Why

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Fred and Harper sat in the kitchens, looking over school books and some Harper checked out of the restricted section for herself. It was the third day of term and she had been happily left alone by her ex-class mates. However the anxiety she felt of their imminent strike made her constantly on edge.

"Sooooo?" Harper looked up at Fred who had his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on his knees and a big grin on his face.

"So what?" Harper frowned, turning back to her book.

"You and my brother?" Fred uncrossed his legs and kicked at her shin.

Harper closed her book, huffing and looking at him with an exhausted expression. "He told me I had to decide if we were going to be a thing or not."

"I knew that already from your diary! Now come on! I need to know if I won or not, please?!" He clasped his hands together, begging to hear her decision.

Harper gave him a dark glare, "Freddie. Are you reading my diary?!"

"Yeah, so do Angelina and Alicia. Let's move on. Are you together or not?!"

Her glare turned darker as she curled her lip back, "considering two people from my past have decided they want to ridicule me further, I'll have to put my love life on hold."

"Noooooo," Fred pouted, "we do this every year! And then I have to watch you two pining after each other because you just won't accept it-ugh!"

"What else am I supposed to do?!" Harper held out her hands and waved them around, "I have these twats here to deal with, he doesn't need that baggage."

"Don't worry your pretty little head over them, I have plans for them," Fred paused running a hand through his hair, "those girls are out for your blood. Do you really think any of your friends are going to let them near you? Come on, we're all lifting that baggage together, Harps. The second you told us about know, we agreed to lend a hand."

Harper pursed her lips, studying her friend with a dark look, "your odds are really good in the pool aren't they?"

Fred straightened up, averting his gaze as he tried not to look smug, "I mean....they're definitely favorable...."

Harper rolled her head to the side, laughing slightly, her top bun flopping to the side, "you know. If you used the same method on the events for the tournament? You may make a killing, enough for the joke shop."

Fred was quiet for several minutes, long enough that Harper went back to reading until Fred slammed his hands on her book-causing it to fall to her lap with a harsh slap.

"Oh Harper, you raven haired beauty! That brain is going to get us big bucks!" His face was just a Cheshire grin and freckles as he began to laugh to himself, pinching her cheeks, letting go when she swatted at his hands. "Ooooooh you're a smart one, no wonder you're top of our class. Smartest girl I've ever met! Clever. Very clever."

Harper sighed, returning to her book as Fred continued to shower her with compliments, a smile on her face as she hid herself behind her book.

"You can stop with the compliments," Harper commented as she got to her feet.

"You love them."

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