Where I Belong

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"I found a reason
And suddenly I'm not so alone
I'm finally breathing
Like I never could on my own
Start the countdown let's get it on
Scream our lungs out to our favorite song
'Cause this is where I belong"
-Where I belong, Simple plan, ft state champs, we the kings


The air smelled of iron, screams echoed off the stone that surrounded him. Breathing heavily, he held the stitch in his right side while surveying the dismantled ground before him. Fire illuminated the bodies all around, George felt his stomach trying to empty their contents.


Harper. He had to get to her, she was somewhere in all this chaos. Was she scared? Was she terrified? How was she fairing? How was Fred fairing? Were they with each other? He didn't dare look at the necklace he wore. His mind went through the list of loved ones: Ginny, Arthur, Molly, Ron, Hermione, Bill...was Charlie here yet? And Percy...he'd been a shit to him for as long as he could remember but he cared for the Ministry loving prat just the same.


His legs protested his movements, carrying him through the throng of stone as if it were sand. His heart was pounding in his ears, drowning out the screams for help around him.


I'll find you. I'll find you and we'll run so far from here. Just wait for me!

Staggering through the fallen architecture, George ran as best he could, thoughts of needing to find Harper fueling his adrenaline.


I'm coming Harper!

George watched a plume of red and yellow fire spring from the horizon before him, shooting right for him, he went to lift his wand but was powerless as the fire consumed him. He was screaming and spluttering as the fire entered his lungs.

The harsh burning sensation was replaced with icy cold, the quick switch was almost too much for his body to comprehend as he woke from his nightmare.

"Thanks, Ange," George heard from somewhere in the darkness when he bolted awake in his bed, spluttering from the water that soaked him and the bed.

"Yeah...erm...don't forget to replace your silencing charm, yeah?" Angelina responded awkwardly, a warm jet of air drying him and the bedding instantly, George pressed his palms to his eyes, listening to the door shut gently.

He counted in for ten and out for ten in his head, allowing his senses the time to realize where he was and what had happened. Somewhere to his left sat Harper, possibly watching him with a worried look, twisting the bedsheet in her hands. George pictured it perfectly, focusing on the strands that would fall from her bun when she tilted her head to the side, illuminated by the dim light she'd turned on to see him better.

It had all been a nightmare, a horrible nightmare. He hadn't had one that awful since his first couple nights home after the Battle. The memories of waking up with his bedding round his head coming forward.

Threading his fingers through his hair, George slowly let himself exhale and finally lift his head. Just as he had pictured: Harper was sitting beside him—worrying both the bedsheet with her fingers and her lower lip between her teeth with wide eyes. She'd turned on the small light on her nightstand, the warm yellow light illuminating her with a halo, his heart lurched forward at her simple beauty.

Gods, I'm lucky.

"You were dreaming about the Battle," Harper said softly, he nodded. They were becoming more and more frequent over the last month, the first anniversary arriving in the blink of an eye. "I'm so sorry, love.."

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