Why Worry (About the Sixth Year)

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"If I'm a bad person you don't like me Well, I guess I'll make my own wayIt's a circle, a mean cycleI don't wanna feel your painWhen you swear it's all my faultCause you know we're not the same (no)"-Ignorance, Paramore

"School is going to be a bit different this year, darling."

"I know," Harper grumbled as she looked out the window of the car, on their way to King's Cross.

"Harper. You need to listen-"

"The Dark Mark at the cup wasn't a mistake," Harper mocked her father as she sighed. "I get it! We didn't even go to the ruddy cup," she grumbled. She had wanted to go and her father had promised to attempt to get tickets but he was unsuccessful.

"Please listen to us darling," her mother sighed. "This is important. This year...this year is going to be a big test for you and you need to be prepared."

"What kind of test?" Harper frowned, remembering Snape's words from last year.

"The kind...the kind where the past comes up," her mother commented.

"Oh now you sound like Sybill," she snorted slightly, watching the train station come into view.

Her parents gave each other a look and nodded slightly, "you'll see when you get to school."

"Mmmm maybe I should skip this year....barely surviving the end of last year and all...." Harper mumbled to herself as they arrived at King's Cross. Her stomach doing flips.

"Just focus on why we're at this school and focus on yourself....maybe no more boys?" Her father gave her a knowing look, Harper averted her gaze as she tried not to blush.

Her parents gave her quick hugs, leaving Harper to travel to the train platform alone, her mind completely on the weird conversation and mood of her parents.

"Oi! Here!" Harper chuckled as Alicia appeared with a big box wrapped in red, Harper grinned before immediately opening it and revealing a beautiful ruby red cardigan that reached her knees.

"Oh I love this," Harper grinned, rubbing the fabric between her fingers.

"You could use it for your dates with George," Alicia winked.

Harper's face flushed, "dates? I don't really know...I'm not sure where we stand."

Alicia's smile fell, her jaw dropping, "don't you dare say that! Things were finally good last year!"

Harper shrugged, rubbing her neck as she pulled her legs onto the seat, leaning her back against the window. While George and Harper had left things amicably and they agreed to continue seeing each other, George's letters were far and few between and when he did write, they came off as distant and detached. Her stomach did nervous flips as she picked at her nail bed around her thumb.

"My parents also said no boys this year...."

"Boooooo! We just won't let them find out," Alicia giggled as the rest of the group slowly appeared. George smiling as he sat across from her.

"How's it going, Harpsichord?" Her stomach did a flip at the pet name, a smile crossing her face.

Harper shrugged, "really vague warnings from parents. So as good as it can be with looming threats?"

George raised an eyebrow, the two not noticing that everyone funneled out of the compartment.

"I didn't realize we were doing a 'don't know what a haircut is' look this year," Harper laughed.

"Don't like it?" George ran a hair through his shaggy hair, smirking.

Harper shrugged, giving a smirk, "never said that."

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