Grow As We Go

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"You say you'd rather be alone
Cause you think you won't
Find it tied to someone else
Who said its true, that the growing only happens on your own?
I don't think you have to leave
If to change is what you need
You can change right next to me.
When you're high, I'll take the lows
You can ebb and I can flow
And we'll take it slow
And grow as we go."
-Grow as we go, ben platt


The twins sat in the small kitchen, all the Weasleys gathered round as each one tentatively stared at the two vials that mysteriously appeared at the twins' feet. The room was unnaturally quiet for the assembled group, so when Kingsley Shacklebolt thrust open the door in a hurry due to Arthur's owl, Hermione and Molly jumped a foot in their seats, their reflective expressions suddenly panic stricken. Kingsley took his seat beside Arthur, placing a small basin on the table before him, leaning his forearms on the table as he looked around before his eyes fell on the vials.

"Why is a pensieve needed? What's—"

"-The boys were just explaining that these vials appeared at their shop," Arthur turned his head toward Kingsley. "We need a pensieve to look at them."

Kingsley cleared his throat, nodding slightly, "and where did these vials come from?"

"Harper never destroyed her memories, Snape did something," Fred whispered. "We least."

"But...why?" Hermione whispered, beside Fleur, biting at her thumbnail.

"That's why we need to see them," George spoke calmly.

"Not all of us should see this," Kingsley shook his head.

"Well you aren't shutting me out!" George scoffed, folding his arms in front of him, waiting for the bite back.

"Or me for that matter," Fred nodded. "Keep the kiddos out, but Georgie and I are legally adults. We're businessmen now too."

Kingsley took a deep breath, his nostrils flared very slightly, but he couldn't fully rebuke the statement.

"This will be painful," Arthur reminded George, meeting his son's gaze with a concerned expression, his eyes filled with understanding and worry as George silently agreed.

"I know," George spoke, his voice wavering. The tension in his body was nothing compared to the fear he felt regarding what he was going to witness, but there was no stopping him-George needed to do this, wanted to do this.

Together, Fred, George, Arthur, Kingsley and Molly got to their feet, shifting for them to be closer around the basin. Hermione nervously fidgeted in her seat as she watched, Fleur patting her shoulder as Ron kept his head low, his gaze on the table. With a deep breath, the assembled group nodded, Fred silently removed the stopper to one of the vials, George apprehensively watched the shimmering substance fall into the basin in front of him. With a deep breath, he leaned forward, plunging his face into the basin, the magic around him absorbing him and taking him deep into the memory.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he observed the room, the gathered adults who entered the memory huddled together as the scene came into focus. It was a dark cellar with very little light permeating the area, laying on the floor was a single figure-digging her nails into the stone beneath her. It must've been early in Harper's capture, as there were very little signs of torture on her body, she didn't look like a skeletal figure yet as she laid like a statue with a blindfold over her eyes. George watched with anticipation, the single door opened and in walked the one man George would give his entire joke shop to be in the same room with for five minutes.

Severus Snape bent down, looking over Harper who didn't even seem to notice his arrival, very gently he pressed his wand tip to Harper's temple-she screamed, thrashing on the ground, her nails were jagged daggers that looked sharp enough to break skin with one swipe. Snape immediately covering her mouth. Harper scrambled into a seated position, breathing heavily against Snape's hand that covered a majority of her face.

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