Nothing Else Matters

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"I think the universe is on my side
Heaven and earth have finally aligned
Days are good and that's the way it should be
You sprinkle stardust on my pillow case
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright"
-Bright, Echosmith


The small cottage sat beside a beach, with woods tucked behind, it was quiet and if you sat perfectly still, the waves from the beach could lull you to sleep. It was the beginning of November, reports of Snatchers increasing in numbers came to the Order, the girls had managed to safe guard a large network of safe houses that were helping muggleborns all across England-a stressful task that Harper and Angelina found themselves slowly believing it was a futile task. But nestled in Shell Cottage, Harper felt herself let her walls down slightly as she sat across Fleur on the kitchen island-wanting to forget about the outside world around them.

"Is the tea alright?" Fleur asked, adding a large dollop of honey to her tea and watching it dissolve in the steeping water.

"Just fine," Harper smiled, looking around the cozy home. Fleur looked both out of place and at home in the cottage atmosphere, Harper couldn't help but wonder how she spent her days secluded here.

Bill appeared with a small radio, placing it on the table in front of the girls, "did George give you today's password?"

"Erm....Fawkes I think is what George told me," Harper answered, slowly stirring the cinnamon stick in her tea. Bill nodded, tapping the wand and muttering as he tried to find the frequency for Potterwatch.

"I promised you'd be back in two hours, so we'll use the broadcast as a timer," Bill said thoughtfully.

"Does he not trust me to stay longer?" Harper snorted, twisting the ring he'd gifted her months ago around her middle finger. Smiling at how the rounds sparkled in the natural light of the home.

"More like he doesn't trust the world," Bill muttered, giving her a smile. "I am a curse breaker, this should be the safest place for you."

"—As I was saying, reports of casualties in Ipswich have begun to run through the community. Please avoid the region if possible," Fred's voice cut into the room.

"Thank you for the update, Rapier," George's voice came through. "And of course, to Hogwarts, the post has been received and will be responded to in due time."

"Raven, are you certain Hogwarts is even getting this broadcast?"

"George is Raven?" Harper laughed, Fleur bumped her arm, giving a wink. "That's so cheesy."

"We'll have to ridicule him later," Bill said with a smile, spreading currant jam on a bit of bread.

The three sat listening to Fred and George banter for the rest of Harper's allotted time, when Lee's voice came on to bring the broadcast to a close.

"Is that Lee? Do you think he'll come to Tonks' to visit soon?" Harper mused, wanting to see her friend for the first time since she'd returned.

"I'm sure he will, but we should head back," Bill said, waving his wand over their plates and cups and levitating them all to the sink. "Let's go."


"—two hours, I promised George," Bill said with a shake of his head. He gave a sympathetic smile, patting her shoulder as he passed toward the door.

"Honestly, he won't mind! I'm with you, he trusts you!"

"We promised, Harper, but maybe another day," Fleur nodded in agreement.

Harper frowned, sighing heavily before giving Fleur a brief hug and following after Bill, the sun had dipped a long time ago and the stars were sparkling brilliantly above them. Harper smiled at the sky, wanting to stay longer just to watch the view above her, maybe she could convince George to visit his brother for a bit of star gazing on the beach.

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