Come on, Be Our Guest

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'Be our guest, be our guest.
Put our service to the test!'
-Lumiere, Beauty and The Beast



Mum said we could have people over the last two weeks of the break. What do you say?

Hope to hear back!

George Weasley

Harper smiled at the letter, running downstairs to where her mother sat reading a book.

"Could I stay with friends at the end of summer?" Harper asked, rocking back and forth on her heels.

Her mother smiled slightly, "that would be fine...which friends now?"

"The Weasleys."

"That's fine, poppy. We'll go to Diagon beforehand for your birthday."

Harper grinned, running to her room to write a response.


Harper looked at her trunk, packing all her school things neatly inside as well as packing a duffel for her stay with the Weasley family. She was beyond excited as she zipped everything up, heading to the fireplace in the living room.

"Now be safe, here's some extra spending money. Give Arthur my best," her father patted his daughter's shoulders before going to get the bag of floo powder they had.

"Have a nice time and don't give Molly any grief," her mother chuckled slightly as they hugged.

"We'll send your things right after you," she took a handful of floo powder before stepping into the fireplace.

"The Burrow!" Harper shouted as she dropped the floo powder around her feet, she felt the warmth of flames lick at her feet as she was pulled through the fireplace system. Harper felt her feet touch solid ground, she got to her feet, brushing off the ashes as feet came running toward her.

"Harpsichord!" She grinned as George and Fred appeared in the doorway of the living room.

"Nice to see you boys," her bags shot through the fireplace and landed beside her legs.

"You're going to be in Charlie's old room," George explained as he took her hearty trunk and duffle upstairs. Harper followed behind, looking around the home with a smile, it was just as welcoming and cozy as she imagined.

"Is anyone else coming?" Harper turned to Fred who was smirking as they entered the kitchen, his arms folded across his chest.

"Conveniently. You were the only person of our group that was invited."

Harper felt her face get hot as she started stammering, "erm...okay....that's....why?"

Fred only laughed, giving her a wink as he poured himself some water. "I'm not the one who wrote the letter out, Harps," Fred smirked.

Harper snorted slightly, tracing a line in the wood of the table with her nail. "You sure you didn't leave your diary in your trunk?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Georgie boy has been gone for an interesting length of time," Fred snickered.

Harper ran up the stairs, looking for the door that lead to where George stood. He was on the landing above her, shutting the door behind him.

"God you packed a lot."

"It's the damn book set we need for Defense this year," Harper rolled her eyes. The sweat on her neck feeling cold as she sighed deeply.

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