Future Hearts/ Old Scars

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"I know its hard to escape the past and start it again
Those memories of all the future hearts you've killed
You say it's easier just to hide yourself away
So shut the windows, lock the doors and disappear
We've got scars on our future hearts
But we never look back
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live"
-Old Scars/Future Hearts, All Time Low


George sat against his pillows with a frown, studying his notes on the puking pastels with a long sigh. Harper looked up from her book she'd been reading while resting against his legs, smiling up at him as his brow creased in concentration.

"Let me see your hands," Harper spoke softly, putting down her book and sitting up.

George glanced at her with a frown, cracking his neck, "sorry, I was looking over the puking pastels. Freddie said they're not consistent in taste..."

"I understand, we'll fix it in a moment, let me see your hands," she smiled, holding out her own.

He sat up, crossing his legs underneath him, holding out his hands for her, Harper traced the lines on his right hand with a thoughtful smile, lacing their fingers as she studied his palm. Running her nails along the calluses in the fleshy part with a smile, looking over the heart line and head line.

A long heart line...tending to fall fast and hard in love

George rested his cheek against his other hand as he watched Harper smiling to herself.

"Well come on, I'm waiting for your lecture on palmistry, gorgeous," George grinned, his hair flopping into his eyes.

"Don't you pay attention in class?" Harper felt her face flush.

"Not when a pretty girl is holding my hand," he snorted, lifting their interlaced hands.

"Funny, except it's typically Freddie who's your partner," she muttered, George chuckled pulling her forward and falling back onto his pillows again. She was increasingly aware of his hand that rested on her back, the heat from his fingertips burned through her jumper to her skin. Her fingers mindlessly reaching for strands of his hair at the nape of his neck.

"You can breathe, love," his voice was soft as he laughed. His other hand lifting her chin up as his brown orbs stared longingly into her own.

"I-I-I am-" George flashed a smirk, his hand moved from her chin, trailing along her jawline and her neck before taking her hand at the nape of his neck and bringing it to his lips.

"Doesn't feel like it," he laughed, holding onto her hand and resting it on his chest between them. "So go on, Miss prefect, what lecture do you have for me?"

"You're only teasing me."

"No, no! I really love listening to you talk about something you enjoy," his nose brushed hers slightly as he leaned forward. Harper slowly shifted herself, letting herself fully rest against him as he held her on his chest, both legs propped on either side of her hips. The longer they were like this the harder it was for Harper to keep her heart from banging against her rib cage, attempting to fracture them while it beat loud and fast. She felt it hard to focus on anything but his lips or the way his eyes studied her with an amused longing, as they continued to sit this way. His eyes darted down briefly, making her even more conscious to her laying fully on top of him, her chest pressed up slightly at this angle.

Merlin let me look nice from this angle?

"The only reason you're still in divination is because I am, you don't really-"

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