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Harper let out a long sigh she'd been holding, resting her chin on the coffee table, she pulled her knees into her chest and closed her eyes. Whispering as she sat in the uncomfortable silence of the Burrow, it should be a comfort, it should make her happy to be here but the long and quiet night made it hard to relax this evening. A blue hue from the basin in front of her dimly lit the darkened sitting room, casting long shadows across the room. Each time she closed her eyes, Harper saw a night sky illuminated in fire, spells sparked and bodies fell from what she could only assume were brooms. The hairs on her neck stood on end as she calmed her racing heart, she'd had this vision several times now but tonight was the worse-tonight there were more details, tonight she watched as faces she recognized fell to their deaths.

She'd finished viewing a slew of memories, wanting to escape into the world of the past, but it only left her mind a continued jumble she wished she could straighten out with a steam iron. If she counted correctly, there were only a handful of vials left to view, ten or twelve at the most. The stranger that swirled in the basin made Harper feel a mixture of emotions: anger, guilt, sorrow, and especially jealousy.

Jealousy that she'd never be that girl again and how she wished she could pick herself back up and start from the very last entry in her diary, but the year of torture she experienced had taken its toll on her-if Harper was lucky to physically recover, it would be a miracle to mentally recover.

Guilt that George had to settle for the girl she currently was, not the one he had fallen in love with

Anger that the stranger's visions were so easily overlooked whenever she depended on others, as if she was just a useless seer like society often saw them as.

Sorrow that she lost the girl in the basin, sorrow for all her friends sleeping soundly above her, that they lost their friend and were left with a ghost.

Closing her eyes tighter, she let her tears fall onto the coffee table, a night sky filled with fire appearing in the darkness before her. She shivered, why show her visions now? No one would listen to her.

Stop, please

Harper felt her tears fall faster, her body shaking as she tried to keep quiet while the household remained oblivious.

"There you are, H!"

She immediately sat up, wiping away her tears, pulling her knees to her chin and huddling into herself. Angelina walked closer, standing by the arm of the loveseat Harper sat in front of, Angelina took in the appearance of her friend, the happy smile turning down into a sympathetic smile when she saw the red blotchiness of obvious tears. 

"I didn't see you in your bed," Angelina said, Harper kept her gaze forward and shook her head.

"I didn't see you in yours," Harper attempted to tease her friend who blushed, biting her lower lip.

"Hardy har," Angelina snickered with a sigh.

Angelina tentatively sat on the floor beside her, the two sat quietly for a long time, the only thing that sounded in the room was the ticking of the Weasley clock.

Harper stared at the basin, anger flaring in her chest as she held her knees, resting her chin atop them.

"I'll never be like her, Ange," she muttered dejectedly toward the basin.

"That's fine, H," Angelina soothed, Harper shook her head.

"For who?! You lost your best friend, George lost his girlfriend. All that's left is an imposter," the anger licked at her lungs, igniting a heat in her chest that made her tug at her shirt, trying to get the trapped air out.

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