What You Make It

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"I'm just a star fading, falling naked
Burning through my own frustration
Whatever, not your savior
I just think life's what you make it.
Never quiet what you want
And I can see that everything repeats"
-What you make it, with confidence


George sat at the edge of the hospital bed, reading over Harper's notebook until he came across the love potion. He pursed his lips as he read it over, looking at all the little marks in regards to its progress. After getting her to the Hospital Wing, Ginny found Harper's notebook in her things and brought it to George who was trying to decipher her notes on everything she was working on.

"How is she?" Angelina asked when she appeared on the other side of the partition, glancing at the sleeping raven by his hip.

"Fine, took the antidote and a sleeping draught," George gave a strained smile. "What were you lot talking about that made her do this?"

Angelina fidgeted slightly, pushing her hair behind her ears while taking a seat beside George.

"She sorta lost it, saying you-know-who knows about her and she just wanted one happy moment...." Angelina glanced at Harper over George's shoulder. "I think the reason she never told us about her office is because she wanted one thing that was her own...one safe haven, ya know?"

George nodded slightly, smirking as a plan slowly formed in his mind, "well it sure was a love potion," he held up the notebook with a sigh. "Hopefully Pomfrey is discreet like she typically is..."

"Hem hem."


"Is the Head Girl not awake yet? I was told there was a mishap of some sort," Umbridge asked in a chipper voice.

"No mishaps, just a fainting spell," George explained.

"She's anemic," Angelina added.

Umbridge's wide eyes stared at them unblinking, deciphering if it was the truth or not. She huffed, taking a glance at Harper before she held out a sealed envelope and handed it to Angelina, giving George a dry look as if she didn't trust him.

"Make sure she gets this and comes to my office promptly," Umbridge left without another glance at either of them.

"I was going to tell her that I wanted to ask mum if she can come for the Christmas holidays," George ran a hand through his hair.

"That sounds lovely, Fred was going to join me for a few days it sounded like," Angelina smiled at him.

George smiled, looking back at Harper as she shifted on the hospital bed, her face scrunched in pain. He gingerly reached for her cheek, running his fingers along her smooth skin, her face relaxing immediately at the touch.

"You're already thinking of some grand gesture of love. Aren't you?" Angelina prodded his shoulder.

"Always am," he snorted, "I have to do better for her sake. I shouldn't have let her get to this point."

Angelina mulled her lower lip between her teeth, studying her friend for a moment while he contemplated how much of a let down he'd been. "She hid she was naturally gifted with legilimency from you for two years," George glared at her. "I'm just saying Harper has a knack for being secretive, it's why I read her diary. If I didn't then I wouldn't know a lot of things."

"When you say a lot of things...."

Angelina smirked, prodding his shoulder causing him to scowl in response.

"Right. Great. Just what a bloke wants to hear..." he muttered, his neck flushing a deep red.

Angelina chuckled, "come on, let's go get some food."

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