Christmas and Dragon Bites

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Harper stared at her potion, looking at her watch as she studied the time. She had five more minutes for it to simmer before adding the next ingredient. Fred began to hum to himself as he ground bat wings, Harper smiled as she bobbed her head to her own music.


Harper glared at the paper that landed in her cauldron, turning the white liquid to black instantly.

"Oi!" Harper hissed looking between the twins who held up their hands in immediate surrender.


Harper looked down again, another bit of paper in her cauldron. Feeling slightly annoyed she scooped out the paper again and stirred the concoction.

"Having troubles there potions princess?" Fred asked with a smirk.

"No," Harper glared at him.


Harper scooped the paper out and looked up, Angelina was innocently stirring her cauldron just like everyone else. She looked at both boys who had identical scowls on their faces as they concentrated on their potions.

"Guys, stop messing with me or I won't help with your potions."

"We aren't doing a thing, lovely," Fred muttered, looking up at Harper with raised eyebrows.

"While we love to mess with you, Harpsichord. We're trying not to blow up right now," George agreed.

Harper scowled.


This time the paper hit her face, Harper looked up just as Angelina's hand went back to her knife for her beans.

"Ange. This isn't funny."

"I'm not doing anything," Angelina shrugged, Harper eyed her skeptically and returned to her work.


"AHHHHH!" Harper threw one of the balls back at Angelina who ducked easily.

Hey. That was rude! Harps.

Harper gasped, her eyes huge as Angelina smirked slightly. As if she knew what she was doing.

You can hear me can't you?

Harper nodded slightly, pretending to just be humming a silent song in her head. "Oi are you alright?" George asked, prodding Harper's arm.

"Yeah...yeah," Harper looked back at her cauldron with a scowl.

Hey! Harper! Harper! Harper!

Her eyes snapped up at Angelina who was stirring her cauldron with a thoughtful smile, not looking at her friend.


"WHAT?!" Harper shouted to the silent room, biting her lips together as Snape appeared at the table, he sneered at the group, "miss Nonemacker, miss Johnson. The front. Now."

Harper glared at her friend who gave her an apologetic smile, the two stood before Snape who glared down at them.

"Explain your disturbances."

"I...I was trying...." Angelina sighed, looking at the class who was not paying much attention to them. "I was trying to help Harper with the....potion, thinking that if she can just hear me that she could use it to help identify how she needs to work on her....potion."

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