The Liars and Sneaks

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It's the fear that wakes us up
The truth that things are such a mess, far beyond repair
What we do to deserve this
Everything seems broken when you look at it that way
Oh, the truth is such a bore
Or do you want me to lie?"
-The Liars Club, Coheed and Cambria


"Harper, can you help me with this? There's a bad aftertaste on this batch..." Harper leaned forward looking at the scrawled notes Fred handed her as they sat beside the Black Lake. Lee looked over Harper's shoulder as they looked over the recipe together.

"The last batch was better," Lee frowned as he sniffed the small blue square.

"These are what again?"

"The fever blisters."

"Fever fudge!" Lee protested, Fred waved his hand at him as he rolled his eyes.

Harper nodded slightly, "let me see...let's see if its just the fudge itself before seeing if we need to change when to charm the sweets with the jinxes. I'll make a batch of fudge after the task, maybe its not tasting right because of when we add the charms to the sweet."

Fred grinned, "you're brilliant."

"Honestly this is just baking...." Harper smiled slightly looking at her watch, "we should get going to the pitch for the first task if you want to make people take bets on the odds of the champions."

"Again, a brilliant idea that you helped create," Lee grinned raising his hand for a high-five, "we'll have loads of galleons for this shop in no time!"

The three walked toward the pitch, Harper rubbing her hands together in the slightly chilled air, when they found the girls Harper took a seat between Joy and Angelina while the boys went to help George start collecting bets from the students.

"This is so exciting," Angelina commented, moving from side to side in her seat.

"Yeah, I'm excited too," Harper nodded. She felt the pounding in her head, she didn't miss this feeling at all, taking a deep breath she started to fidget with her nails. Trying to focus on herself, imaging a bubble. It'd been awhile since she experienced this, focusing on using occlumens, she felt the pressure dwindling, but her energy also felt as if it were beginning to drain.

"Feeling alright, Harps?" Joy whispered.

"Yeah...just a headache, and a bit chilly," Harper smiled at her.

Harper suddenly felt hands on her shoulders, gently pulling her back so that she was sitting between a pair of legs. She didn't have to look up to know George had pulled her back, Harper suddenly felt warm as she made herself comfortable-George leaving his hands on her shoulders as he leaned forward. The pounding on her head ebbing away, she couldn't help but smile to herself.

"Oh how repulsive," Astrid scoffed as she squeezed herself in between Joy and Harper. Harper sat up straight as she glared at the rocky terrain that had taken over the pitch below.

"Who could ever fancy a girl who lies as eloquently as you?" Marz added as she squeezed herself between Angelina and Harper, Angelina muttering as she moved over.

"Harper has never lied to us," Joy muttered angrily, adjusting herself on the bench.

The two Beauxbatons laughed, "that's rich! There's no way in hell that she ever gave the information willingly," Marz shook her head.

"She told us, that's all the information you need," Alicia hissed from the other side of Angelina.

"Shouldn't you two sit with the others cheering on Fleur? This section is dedicated to Potter," Lee muttered from above them.

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