Take On The World

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"Just say the word
We'll take on the world
Just say you're hurt
We'll face the worst
I can see, see the pain in your eyes
You should know, I wish it was me not you"
-Take on the world, You Me At Six

"Miss Nonemacker, I understand the news of your past being written in a popular news paper is a bit jarring but....punching a guest-"

"I'm sorry," Harper whispered, looking at her feet as McGonagall continued to reprimand her.

"I can't emphasize how important it is to rise above that slanderous article. The gossip will stop in time, but I do understand the judgment of your academic achievements will take time to quell." 

"I've been wearing the earmuffs from my first year here during classes...they seem to help," Harper nodded. She'd had her run in with Astrid the day before, being allowed a moment to get the feeling back into her feet after the biting cold turned her feet raw and blistered. Astrid came away with a broken septum, a bruised face and a ruptured ear after Harper's pounding.

Imagine if you'd used magic on her

"I...I'm having troubles keeping my occlumency intact nowadays," she spoke bitterly. "I've reinstated my lessons with Snape..." she gave a heavy sigh, running her hands through her hair. "I don't even know if I can complete the apparition testing like this."

McGonagall gave a slight nod, her worried look also giving an air of exhaustion.

"Am I in trouble with Madame Maxime?"

McGonagall shook her head, offering her student a biscuit from her metal tin, "the staff that already knew understand that you're going through a difficult time. Acting out in such a fashion is the least of our concerns when no fatal injuries occurred."

"My parents have been sending howler after howler," Harper pressed her palms to her eyes and sighed.

"These things will pass with time, do your best to stay above it. Professor Sprout wanted me to inform you that you can go to the greenhouses whenever you need as a safe space. Granted you have Sybill's office, but maybe another space may help."

"Thank you, professor,"

Nodding slightly as she fixed her bag on her shoulder before leaving into the crowded corridor.

What a freak

She's such a cheater



Harper closed her eyes as she hurried through the throng of students, her walls crumbling down as she tried to keep the voices at bay. She ran to the library, getting to her corner and taking a deep breath, she sat down as two voices brought her to the present.

"So.....when you were talking about trusting my brothers with something.....it was this?" Ginny whispered, leaning forward as Hermione put her bag on the table in front of her.

Harper rubbed her temples and nodded, "look. You two can shove off if you're just going to ridicule and judge-"

"Do you know what memories I'm missing?" Ginny asked, her voice was slightly desperate.

"No....Gin, I'm sorry. Even I don't know," Harper shook her head slightly. "And I wish I did...It's why George and I fought at the end of your first year, I'd told him what I could do and he was beyond rightfully pissed that I did nothing for you."

"You did a lot for me, Harper." Ginny leaned back in her chair with a deep sigh, Hermione cleared her throat.

"So when the professors said you heard Sirius last year? They mean you heard his thoughts?" Hermione asked, Harper nodded slightly.

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