Heaven Help Us

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"Hear the sound
The angels come screaming
Down your voice
I hear you've been bleeding
We'll hear the sound
As you're falling down
Someone save us
Heaven help us now
Come crashing down
We'll hear the sound
As you're falling down
And will you pray for me?
Or make a saint of me?
And will you lay for me?
Wipe away those tears again
And the punchline to the joke is asking
"Someone save us""
-Heaven Help Us, MCR


Scrambling along the floor, Harper dragged herself across the debris that fell during the fight, the harsh stone tearing at her jeans as she groaned, trying to get to a hiding spot while looking for a way to get her legs unbound. There was a dead quiet in the corridor that was unsettling, the aftermath of the astronomy tower battle having hit its climax. Harper felt her hands touch something smooth and curved: a wand.

Taking a deep breath, she sat herself up and tapped her lower half, the wand reverberated in her hand, the magic seeming to burn her hand as the wand grew too hot to hold. Gritting her teeth, Harper attempted again.

Of course they leave me with a wand that won't work for me.

The wand protested but listened to her command on removing the leg locking jinx, when she did she examined her legs, a pain emanating from her right ankle.

I swear if it's broken...

Harper looked around, the corridor light was low and gentle on her eyes, the atmosphere was a comfort-as if she'd been to this place once before. Continuing to pull herself behind the pedestal of a suit of armor to catch her breath and come up with a plan.

Alright, you're in a strange place with a wand that barely listens to us. Let's hide for a minute and go to the nearest town?


Apparate home?


No. They're dead. What good will that do other than get us caught again?!

The Ministry, to that...Arthur was it? Or that girl that took a picture of us....we could find them

You're so dumb! That's just as worse as waiting around here! 

Pulling her knees to her chest, she made herself as small as possible as she cried-her anxieties tearing her apart as she shook from head to toe.

I'm dead

The panic of the situation began to absorb her: barely able to stand on her own feet, no working wand, minimum strength, zero idea where she was, and more importantly she could barely see-her vision was abysmal.

I'm fucked!

Laughing as the tears fell, she hit her head against the stone wall behind her, wiping her eyes furiously as she sobbed.

This isn't you! Pull yourself together! You have to survive! 

Her mind yelled as she punched the wall behind her, the world was a cruel monster that continued to laugh at her. What sort of freedom was this?! What sort of sick twisted game was happening? With a deep breath Harper shifted to her knees and got to her feet, using the wall as a guide as she slowly walked the length of the corridor. When her hands felt the indentation of a door, she gently pressed it opened, peaking her head through she made out the vague shapes of a classroom, slipping inside she collapsed against the wall and allowed her panic attack to fully submerge her in a series of body shaking sobs-clamping her hands to her mouth to keep the sounds muffled. 

Harper had been crying for sometime in a ball on the floor when the door to the room she was in slowly opened, wand light entering the darkened room. Harper shrunk against the wall, hiding her face in her arms as the wand light crept closer.

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