Mindless Self Indulgence

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"Today is a great day for quidditch!"

Harper grinned at Lee as she nodded, the two walking up the stands and sitting behind the score box. Wrapping her scarf tightly around her neck as she sat down, students and professors slowly began to fill the pitch.

It wasn't long before the match began, Lee calling the match as it unfolded. Harper noticed one of the bludgers starting to follow Harry, each time Fred and George tried to knock it away from him the bludger would come back in full force.

"That bludger is really worrying," Harper muttered to Lee who nodded as he continued his uncanny knack of commentary.

"And there goes Potter through the stands! Will he get rid of the bludger? Is the snitch that way? We'll have to wait to find out!" Lee commented to the crowd.

"Weasleys do something!" Harper shouted, her voice booming through the pitch over the amplifier. The twins turned toward her and shrugged, they couldn't stop the bludger.

The Slytherin seeker, Draco was hot on Harry's tail as well, the two ducking from view before Malfoy's broom pitched from a support beam and crashed to the ground. Harper tried not to laugh. Harry came back into view, the glint of gold right in front of him as he reached out for it.

"Can Potter get the snitch?!"

"It's right there!" Harper cheered.

Harry leaned forward and catching the snitch just before crashing to the ground, the rouge bludger crashing to the ground around Harry before it exploded with sparks. Professors and the Gryffindor house all stormed the field, Harper pulled Lee along as they approached the scene, Lockhart boasting to the crowd in his annoying fashion.

"I really think I need to go to the hospital wing," Harry was complaining, holding his arm against him.

"Nonsense, I can patch you up, easily!" Lockhart was boasting.

Harper started to punch Lee's arm excitedly, she looked at him as she bounced up and down. "Proof! The proof he's a fraud! Look, look! He's going to-"

"Harper, stop," Lee laughed as they watched Lockhart tap Harry's arm. Removing all the bones from Harry's forearm.

Harper bit her lip as she grinned, "I've been telling you the entire time!"

Lee rolled his eyes, "people can mess up spells, Harps."

Harper pouted at her friend, noticing that just over his shoulder McGonagall was smirking, the two caught each other's eyes and McGonagall winked at her student. At least someone was on her side that something about Lockhart wasn't all that seemed to be.

"You two aren't that impressive of beaters as I thought," Harper had her hands on her hips when Fred and George appeared from the changing rooms with the girls behind them.

"Oi! That bludger was jinxed and there was nothing we could do," Fred frowned.

"That's not fair, you try taking on a rouge bludger like that," George scowled.

"We're still the best beaters at school."

Harper chuckled slightly, "maybe."

"Harpsichord....take it back or else."

Harper grinned, the group walking up the hill, "or what exactly?"

"I'll give you ten seconds," George smirked, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

Harper started running up the hill away from the group as fast as she could, laughing as she tried to make it to the common room before the boys caught her.

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