Listen To Your Girl

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"The weather ain't the way it was before
Ain't no spring or fall at all anymore
It's either blazing hot or freezing cold
Any way the wind blows
And There ain't a thing that you can do
When the weather takes a turn on you"
-Any Way the wind blows, Hadestown


In a week's time the tides will change


"Oh my god!"

Two victors will return as one

Harper felt her upper body lifting slightly, her vision black with flashes of images-the flash of yellow light that illuminated a slumped body on the ground, the ominous tombstone, the large cauldron. The same images that had been haunting her for days on end came swiftly.

He will return


He will return

She was shaken ever so slightly, propped against someone's legs as her convulsions lessened.

"Weasley isn't going to be happy to find you like this!"

She was being shaken more forcefully now, slowly her vision returned and she was gazing up into the confused faces of Cedric Diggory and Victor Ryder. The cold flooring seeping through her thin pants as she looked up at them. Propping herself on her elbows as she let everything reorient itself, she was leaning against Victor's legs, his hands resting on her arms.

This isn't my dormitory

"Honestly, they only warned us about Lovegood....But are you a sleepwalker too, Nonemacker?!" Victor was trying not to laugh. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff helped her sit up slowly, Victor keeping his hands on her arms as he propped her up-unsure if she would fall over again.

"What....I don't understand," Harper whispered, "I was...asleep in my dormitory. How am I here?"

Harper looked around, finding herself on the floor of the fourth floor corridor, trying to remember how she'd gotten there. Cedric removed his robe, holding it out for her, averting his gaze as Victor winked. She looked down at herself and saw she was in her long flannel pants and a camisole that was barely covering her midriff. Quickly grabbing the robe offered to her, she shoved her arms through the sleeves and held it close, getting to her feet.

How many people have seen me like this?!

"Weasley is going to have a field day if we don't get you back promptly," Cedric spoke up, meeting her confused look with a smile.

"Have you ever walked in your sleep before?" Victor asked, raising an eyebrow. Harper shook her head slowly, running her hands through her hair and shaking out the loose bun it was tied in.

"Let's get you back to your common room, Harper," Victor spoke softly, gently resting his arm around her shoulders and turning them around.

"Do you remember what you were saying at all?" Cedric asked, his voice was edged with a nervousness that Harper immediately noticed.

Harper evaluated herself, the feeling of dread made her body ache, her lungs were burning with each breath, her body felt drenched in sweat as she let the boys lead her back to the common room. Her throat was coarse, the sense of dread she'd been feeling over the last month each time she woke up consumed her as the three slowly walked.

"Did...did it seem like a riddle or something?" Harper whispered.

"Yeah...It was a was only slightly concerning," Victor nodded, clearly his throat.

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