Lucky Star

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"It's disgusting," Angelina muttered as she took a seat on Harper's left, Joy joining on the right. Sitting along the small balcony at the top of the Burrow, the dark summer sky felt ice cold as Harper watched the stars littering the sky. "Muggle registration act....and I can only imagine the rotten soul they have orchestrating it all."

With the fall of the Minister four days ago, Voldemort worked fast to begin his next moves of purifying the Wizarding World in his image. A muggle registration act was passed, all Muggleborns were now slowly being rounded up for questioning-what kind of questioning was still unsure, but Celeste was asked to use any connection she could with anyone at the Ministry to find out while the rest of the known Order members kept their business as usual-attempting to stay under the radar and monitor the situation from the inside before they were all forced out into hiding.

"And to make attending school mandatory this year," Joy tsked with a sigh. "At least McGonagall will be there...and Pomfrey. Oh! Maybe I can offer to help Pomfrey then, as a shadow. Say Mungo's wants me to train more? Put me right there....who knows if Mungo's will fall next."

"Might work," Harper nodded slowly.

Angelina made a noise in agreement, Harper handed her notebook to Angelina.

"For the safe houses. Watch schedules, escape routes, plans, food inventory, advance charms no one has thought to use yet, and know, really anything," Harper muttered with a frown.

"This is wonderful, H," Angelina gave a tired smile, flipping through the book. "We can implement these immediately."

With a tight smile, she nodded and got to her feet, Angelina getting to hers as well.

"Just going to get a drink," Harper held up a hand, Angelina looked apprehensive but nodded. Since her return, Harper was never allowed in the bath alone for longer than fifteen minutes. After five there was a knock and if she wasn't done by ten minutes then Angelina popped into the room, worried to find her friend had scrubbed her skin completely raw. But after the wedding and Harper's declaration of revenge on past abusers and enablers, Angelina and George were more prone to hovering and keeping an eye on Harper's activities. It was a constant shadow that she was thankful for as well as annoyed by, although she had to admit it helped her focus on Occlumency.

Diving head first into making all safe houses as fool proof as possible seemed to help her calm the monster lurking under her skin that demanded a taste of revenge in some form.

With a shaky breath, Harper made her way downstairs, taking the steps one at a time and often stopping to keep her knees from buckling under her. She had felt off all day, chalking it up to the aftermath of the wedding crashers still affecting her days later. However, the dull pounding migraine, suggested that it wasn't only the aftermath of having to lick her wounds and forget her wish of revenge, but the fates attempting to make a call.

When she got to the dark kitchen, she glanced toward the Weasley family clock, watching Ron's hand go clockwise until it reached 'home' before going counterclockwise and vice versa once it reached 'home'. It hovered over 'lost' occasionally beside Percy's before moving again, but it wasn't enough to cause a panic. It was when it stopped for a full minute that Harper felt as if a bucket of ice cold water at been dumped on her head, the migraine blossoming until her skull felt as if it were going to explode. Her vision blurring from the pain.

Mortal peril

Harper stiffened, shaking her head as she watched the hand sit there-the small image of Ron on the clock hand looked around, seeming to be able to read the words it had stopped on, and opening its mouth-as if screaming.


Looking around the kitchen hurriedly, Harper tore apart the cupboards before finding a dark colored bowl, filling it with water, and placing the it on the kitchen table. Leaning forward, Harper looked into the dark surface, calming her breathing as she stared intently at the water. Relaxing her mind and body, much to the protests of the adrenaline coursing through her bloodstream, she began a deep breathing exercise, hoping that her fight or flight response would either call the fates faster or slow just enough that she could enter a trance like state to begin scrying in the reflective surface of the water in front of her.

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