Maybe You Saved Me

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"Do you think they're mad?" Fred mused as he and George walked up to the Burrow, they'd finished setting the shop in order with Lee. It was now two days before the plan to get Harry was set to take place, Harper had two personalities over the last week: happy or catatonic silence. It was hard to determine which mood she would be in until he sat down to talk with her, if there was a freshly made sweet around, he was sure Harper was in high spirits.

"Ten galleons Angelina is annoyed because Harper is beyond ticked," George nodded.

Opening the kitchen door, the twins found their witches sitting with Hermione and Ginny around the table, a plate of Harper's mouthwatering lemon brownies sat between them. Going to take a square, Harper swatted his hand away, Hermione and Ginny immediately rising to their feet and taking their exit.

"Harpsichord?" George frowned, taking Hermione's vacant chair across the raven haired girl. Her hair was shaggier now, coming to rest just atop her ears, her fringe fell into her eyes which she held back with a small clip, she met his worried expression with a hard stare. Fixing her glasses on her nose with a huff.

"Glasses today? They look lovely," he smiled, Harper kept her scowl as she tried not to blush. He knew that wearing the glasses was hard for Harper, wanting to wear contacts for some form of normalcy and distancing herself from the last year as best she could.

Angelina shook her head before taking Fred's arm as well as two brownies with a wink at George, and going into the sitting room.

"Did something happen?" George asked, worry quickly spreading through his body as he studied her for a moment. She looked fine-best she'd looked since her return to him, her face was fuller with a healthy complexion, her cheekbones no longer jutting out, but her eyes were holding in tears as she let a long slow breath leave her lips.

"You lot are still going on with the plan to get Harry," Harper spoke, picking at the skin around her left thumbnail so it began to bleed, her voice straining to remain calm. "How many more of my visions have to be ignored before someone gets the point?"

"Love, I promise that we took your warnings into account. We have the safest plan, we all agreed to—"

"What part of your plan includes involving someone who will abandon you at the first sign of trouble?" Harper glared at him, her eyes flashing as she scoffed.

"What do you mean?" George asked, reaching for a brownie and getting batted away again.

Harpsichord! Come on, just one!

"Mundungus is going to betray whoever has him as a partner, he is going to run outta there so fast—"

"—we least some of us do," George ruffled his hair with a sigh.

He understood the concern Harper had, Mundungus Fletcher was a shifty character who had been the perfect person to help Fred and George get ingredients for their Skiving Snackboxes in questionable ways during their early beginnings. The shifty wizard had more concern over selling counterfeit items than the greater good nowadays, but his loyalty to Dumbledore at the end of the day was the reason he was brought into the reincarnation of the Order, hopefully that was enough to continue fighting for Harry in the absence of the grey bearded wizard.

"Thinking about it, it was 'dung's idea to use decoys," George offered, trying to calm Harper's nerves.

Harper frowned, quirking an eyebrow, "yeah. Like that makes me feel any better," she scoffed. "Honestly, he shouldn't be involved. If you really need an even number, then take me or literally anyone else!"

"Absolutely not! Like I want you out there?!"

"Like I want you out there?!" Harper's voice cracking, "that's how people are going to die. Putting trust in characters like that."

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