Running Up That Hill

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"It doesn't hurt me
Do you wanna feel how it feels?
Do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making?
It's you and me
And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get Him to swap our places
Be runnin' up that road
Be runnin' up that hill
Be runnin' up that building
Say, if I only could, oh"
-Running up that hill, Kate Bush


The hall was full of celebratory cheers, singing, and even dancing by people who were able to stand. The boisterous noise carried into the entrance hall, traveling up the stairs to the landing where George sat with Harper between his legs and Joy settled in front of them both. The healer muttering under her breath as she rushed to heal the wounds both of them had earned tonight.

George kept a firm hold around Harper's torso, his other hand brushing away her hair from her face, careful to avoid the jagged scar on her left side. Attempting not to picture brushing the hair of a doll, memories of playing house with Ginny and her dolls twisted his stomach uncomfortably. He tried to push away the bubbling anxiety in his chest as Harper continued to sit in her catatonic state

"Seems like you had a hell of a night, Harps," Joy said lightheartedly, glancing at her friend who remained quiet.

"Is this far enough away?" George prompted, waving his hand toward the doors to the Great Hall.

Harper inclined her head once, Joy frowned meeting George's eyes with a quirked eyebrow.

"Sweetie?" Joy said softly, offering a large green vial Harper took quietly, "how'd you get this scar on your face?"

There was a shiver that traveled down Harper's spine, George felt it start in her neck and move through each vertebrae as he held her to him.

Harper began to make a series of gestures and squeaks, something wet dropped onto his forearm followed by sniffling.

"Shh, shh..I'm sorry, lovey. Im sorry, shh," Joy cooed, pulling Harper forward into a hug. Joy looked at him, her eyes were wide with worry.

"I had a hell of a night, I'll have you know, Harpsichord," George said lightly. Harper turned her head, looking over her shoulder, the jagged scar traveled along from her left earlobe and up across her cheek, touching the edge of her eye and disappearing into her hair. Anyone would've flinched away from the gnarly sight, George smiled, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.

Hello, beautiful
No response, not even a small flush to her skin, George's heart sank with devastation.

"I was stuck with an angry Angelina and a injured Ryder, worse combination of people to be paired with since being paired with Fred in Divination. Do you know how often Victor complained?! It was every other sentence!"

Harper snorted, the corner of her mouth lifted, George smiled, lifting her hand to his lips. Joy held out a small jar, the contents were a plush silver colored lotion that shimmered in the ever rising sunlight.

"Left wrist," Joy said, offering up the jar to him another time.

"Look at that, Harpsichord. Joyful is trusting me with your care," George joked, taking the jar with a smirk.

Joy's face flushed, giving a roll of her eyes. "Piss off, George."

Harper lifted her wrist wordlessly, her gaze going to the door way below them. Joy shifted to the step below them, coming to sit beside George's knee and work on the gnarly wound winding along Harper's face.

"Well, it's not a cursed wound. That's good! It'll heal and with my help," she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "This scar will be gone in a month! Isn't that nice?"

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