Say You Love Me

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"So concentrate and ask again, are we at the end?
We're starting to begin and mend
Oh, but then is happiness a trend?
A friend once said there's beauty in the pain
And tomorrow's now misunderstood
'Cause it's reading "outlook not so good"
If these signs would point to "yes"
She would maybe feel the same
So shake the magic 8 until it breaks"
-The Magic 8, Set it off


Hermione watched her friend muttering to herself as she folded lavender into the dough, Harper and Angelina had been with the Weasley family for over a week now. Joy playing up the idea that Harper shouldn't apparate too many times, but Angelina let it slip that Harper had asked to stay closer to George.

Harper was inside her thoughts for so long, she didn't seem to notice anyone else had entered the room.

"How goes reading through your diary?" Hermione called after another minute went by.

Dropping a bigger dollop of the dough onto the prepared baking sheet than she wanted, Harper turned around with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's...alright," Harper stammered, quickly finishing lining the tray and placing it in the oven. "A bit odd, I admit."

When she'd started reading her fourth year and how things were happening to Ginny, Harper had confronted the twins and Ron saying they were awful older brothers and should've known something was going on with their sister sooner-should've listened to her sooner. She spent at least two hours yelling at them before Ginny pulled Harper away from them and told her that things were fine, she didn't blame her siblings. Harper wasn't satisfied but after a few games of wizards chess where she crushed all three of them, she was satisfied.

"What's it like viewing your memories?"

Hermione watched her friend shift uncomfortably in her seat, "I can't really tell if I'm happy or not seeing all those."

"I imagine its hard," Hermione gave a sympathetic smile.

"Hermione? Why did you do it? Go to the Ministry I mean," Harper asked, her brow furrowing.

Hermione stared at the kitchen window, "I know you're smart, even if I didn't fully remember our times together. You're a smart kid, should've known it was a trap."

"I did," Hermione nodded, remembering the fear she saw on her friend's face when he turned to her and said that Sirius wasn't at Grimmauld-that the vision he'd seen could be real. "Or at least I felt like something was wrong, but then Harry was so convinced Sirius was in trouble. There was no talking him out of it. Just like any of the other times..."

"I wish I hadn't gone with the boys," Harper confessed. "Maybe I could've stopped the whole thing."

"No, you should've gone. Umbridge did unspeakable things and your punishment for allowing the twins to leave like they did wouldn't have been worth it." Hermione objected, sipping her tea, "and Harry would've still gone even if you attempted to reason with him. His godfather was in trouble, a man that Harry very much respected."

"What did the twins do?!" Harper asked, excitement in her voice.

Hermione smiled slightly, briefly explaining the swamp fiasco, "and how did I leave then?"

"I think Angelina helped with that, I'm not too certain if I'm honest. Angelina and Joy had explained to anyone who asked that you came down with something while testing a product for the twins and were rushed to Mungo's."

Harper chuckled slightly, "why did you go? I'm sure the twins would've tried to talk you out of it, or at least give you an arsenal of products to use...that ruddy instant darkness powder should be barred by the way."

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