Paper Rings

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"Kiss me once cause you know I had a long night
kiss me twice cause its gonna be alright
Three times cause I've waited my whole life
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Darling, you're the one I want,
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams
Oh you're the one I want"
-Paper Rings, Taylor Swift


Harper sat at the kitchen table as Joy poked and prodded her, lifting her arms, measuring her wrists, forearms, and even neck—which took a lot of convincing and calming draught to achieve. Joy moved quickly, humming to herself until finally she looked at her notebook and made a noise, jumping excitedly.

"Harps! You'll never believe it! But you've gained back four inches to your waist and three to your forearms! Isn't that exciting?!" Joy exclaimed as she flipped through a few pages, her blonde curls falling out of the haphazard bun atop her head. "Your neck has gained an inch, your clavicles are nicely cushioned again, oh this is wonderful! Aren't you excited?!"

"I told you that I've been fitting properly into my clothing," Harper said, blushing slightly.

"You told me it was two shirts," Joy tilted her head to the side, pushing some of Harper's hair from her face, "but aren't you excited?! Your healing is progressing nicely and you look so much prettier than I remember, oh! What do you say to a fashion show?! See how much more of your clothes—"


"You're right, just two pairs of jeans and two more shirts," Joy said with a firm nod, trying to make a compromise. Joy leaned forward, taking Harper's cheeks in her hands and squishing them, "oooh! Even your face is fuller. Harps! Aren't you excited?! You don't seem to be—"

"I'm excited," Harper laughed, pulling Joy's hands off her face.

"There's two pesky little nodules sticking around your esophagus, so...we'll continue with the healing potions and if you absolutely have to drink tea, make it cold or lukewarm? I don't want you aggravating your throat," Joy tapped her nose and turned away to look for something in her medical bag.

Harper glanced at the notebook of her healing journey Joy kept sitting beside her friend on the table, wanting to read it.

Joy immediately closed it, shaking her head, "that's not for you—"

"It's about me!" Harper objected, "and that's rich coming from the girl who still vehemently reads my diary like it's some holy text."

Joy scoffed, pushing a few curls behind her ear, "that's completely different."

Harper snorted, getting to her feet, she looked for her cane but stopped herself. Most days she was fine to do small tasks with minimal support, but Joy's prodding of all her limbs made her feel uneasy.

"Did you take a strengthening—"

Harper shook her head, "no...I want to get stronger on my own. Been taking walks at Shell Cottage more often...I can do this."

"Harps, that's—"

"—you were just saying how well I'm doing," Harper pointed out, quirking an eyebrow at her friend. "Or am I still pretty weak and you just don't want to admit it?"

"No! No you're further along than I would expect, and that's great! Just don't push yourself, Harps," Joy smiled, taking her friends shoulders. "You've only been home for like six months, the last thing I want is you hurting yourself."

Six months? Had it really been six months? Harper did the math, when she was taken to Hogwarts it was the end of June, and now it was the beginning of December.

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