Out of My Mind

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"Losing track of time, the other side of midnight
Don't know how it hit us so hard
Everybody's all strung out
Maybe that's the price you pay
Out of my mind, I'm not myself without you, baby
So terrified, my vision gets a little hazy
I don't know if I'm going crazy,"
-Out of my mind, Little Image


It was pitch black, her body was heavy and weightless at the same instance.

Her mind was disconnected from her body, every neuron was pulled between two planes as she slowly sunk into the velvety nothingness that encompassed her body. Harper did not scream or feared the end, if anything she was surprised to find dying to be so....barren.

No memory flitted by, there was no projector with a chair to sit on and watch as her life was summarized one last time before her eyes.

It was just black.

Black velvet that swirled around her.

Like the ocean.

She was drowning.

That was it. This feeling of weightless falling was like drowning in the ocean.

Is dying really this bleak?

Harper tried to move her head, but the pressure that was still weighing on her physical body prevented any movement. Was dying meant to have such an out of body experience? Was she meant to be able to feel every single piece of stone slowly being pulled away from her body? If she focused hard enough, she felt Fred's arms around her body, she felt her cheek pressed against his chest. Could feel the abnormal way her left leg was laying compared to her hip. She could feel the very subtle slow, shallow rise of Fred's chest against her cheek.

When would she slip back into her body? When she took her final breath? Or was she already too far gone?

She laid there, yelling into the void but her voice didn't work-not a sound was emitted as she attempted to speak out to the ocean surrounding her. Opening her mouth resulted in nothing, was she truly opening her mouth or was she just thinking about it?

Am I dead?

"Not yet."

The voice was a mixture of masculine and feminine, there was no distinction of whom or what was beside-in front, behind, underneath, above-but she heard it beside her right ear, could've sworn she felt breath against her skin. She swore that she heard Fred, Angelina, George, Joy, her parents-all at once. And smelled firewood slide under her nostrils, lulling her to sleep as it seeped across the membrane of her mind.

The black ocean went on forever, unyielding and unmoving. She was alone.

The pressure around her body was getting lighter, small cracks of light pierced the black ocean-her tomb.

But she wasn't alone in the tomb.

What's happening? What are you?

There was a laugh, a laugh Harper had watched George Weasley get visibly troubled by numerous times during their sixth year-possibly even earlier if she tried to peer into earlier memories. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.


"Don't cry just yet, Harper."

I'm sorry

She immediately apologized, the feelings of regret she'd buried ages ago resurfacing just imagining he was there in the void beside her. It was her fault he was dead.

The darkness continued to lighten along with the pressure on her body, but still yielded no silhouette or hint to what or whom was speaking with.

Am I having a psychotic break?

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