Favorite Place

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"Maybe I was wrong for this
But you feel like the sun on my face
So, can we close the space between us now?
It's the distance we don't need
Yeah, you're everything I love about
The things I hate in me
So come on, come over now
Fix me with your grace
Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place"
-Favorite place, ATL


The second Harper confessed her desire to go home, George immediately moved them to the Burrow—the shop and flat would come later, after he'd perfected them both for Harper's arrival. Until that day came, George set out to make Harper as happy as possible during their time at the Burrow-flowers left by her bed each morning, unlimited boxes of sugar mice in the kitchen, when George wasn't at the shop he was Harper's shadow catering to every single whim. Fred and Angelina moved back to the flat, refreshing the space for their eventual return, the twins and Lee working hard to reopen the shop. It was now six weeks removed from the Battle, the reconstruction of the school was almost complete—a potential reopening in the fall was hopeful.

Harper looked out the small window from the cramped classroom she loved most of all, holding the teacup that George often used to her torso. Sybill was speaking behind her, words Harper paid no attention to.

"They say we'll be reopening in the fall."

She didn't respond.

"Are your fairing well at the Weasley's?"

She looked at the cup in her hands, giving a slight nod.


Harper looked at Sybill, seeing the pity in her eyes made Harper uncomfortable. Sybill paused in her packing of her desk, tilting her head to the side.

"I hope you realize the amount of good you did during the battle and far before it..." Sybill began. Harper pursed her lips into a thin line, "that memorial would have many more names on it if it weren't for yours and the Order's efforts."

"I've been told," Harper sighed. Angelina and Joy reminded her constantly, but the guilt Harper had settled in her stomach like a rock she couldn't dislodge.

Survivor's guilt

"You know, I heard some at Mungo's are going to start offer—"

"—I don't—" she cut herself off, shaking her head, clenching and unclenching her hands. "Having a bad day or two doesn't constitute a visit."

Sybill bit her tongue, Harper slowly ran a finger along the rim of a ceramic teacup. Trying to keep her emotions in check.

It's just a bad moment in a overall good day, just a bad moment. You're fine.

"The Weasleys are caring for you, aren't they?"

"Very much," Harper smiled. Molly was more than ecstatic to have George and Harper around the Burrow. Ginny and Hermione demanded that Harper stay in their room, the three girls becoming nearly inseparable while George was at the shop.

"Your room will always be available with me as well," Sybill offered. Levitating a box toward the fireplace, the green flames waiting patiently to send off a parcel or two to Harper's childhood home, Sybill's newest living arrangements.

"Are you almost packed then?" Harper looked around the room, the cushions were stacked to one side, the tables left in their spots, any and all scarves that had gone the lighting in the room were removed, the lights extinguished. All cups, teas, crystal balls, and other smaller objects were packed and gone. The only box that seemed to remain was the one Harper was slowly filling with teacups.

"Yes, yes...." Fixing her glasses on her nose, she smiled, "be sure to write if we can't meet for tea."

"I promise a weekly visit," Harper nodded.

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