All Signs Point To

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Forever by your side,
No matter what I was going through
But now, I never know the things to say to you
That help me prove that I'm still on your side"
-All Signs Point to Lauderdale, A Day to Remember

Harper took a seat in the near empty Great Hall across from the small red head, smiling as she put her head in her hands and grinned at the youngest Weasley. School had been in progress for about three weeks now, and Harper had found herself in a routine: classes, Angelina tried to let Harper stop her unrelenting thoughts in Potions and Defense and Harper got to watch the quidditch team practice-much to the combined dismay and amusement of everyone but Oliver Wood; her presence sometimes distracting George from following through with a drill. But today wasn't about the quidditch practices or classes, Harper was on a mission to make sure Ginny Weasley was fitting into school just fine. Harper wasn't exactly sure what it was, but Ginny seemed distant when Harper caught her in the common room, the twins chalked it up to first year nerves, but Harper sensed something else.

"Hello, Gin. How're things?" Harper asked, putting her bag down beside her.

Ginny hurriedly put away the shoddy diary that Harper noticed from Diagon Alley, giving a tight smile to Harper. She looked like she hadn't been sleeping much.

"Oh...good, I think," Ginny answered with a flitty laugh.

"Adjusting well? Your brothers, they're helping you get to classes and such right?" Harper prodded slightly, her eyes not leaving the diary, something about it made the hairs on her neck stand up.

"Percy has been helping, Ron...sorta...and the twins," she shrugged slightly, "but I'm managing."

"I'll have to have a chat with the boys...." Harper mused, "what about work? Need any help? Can I help? I've been curious about the curriculum the first years here go through, I could try to help. If not, Hermione Granger? She's a sweetheart, she'll love to help! Hermione let me see what she did last year, but that girl is so brilliant that she often only asked me for potions help when we worked together."

"I'd love the help," Ginny smiled.

Harper looked around the Great Hall, it was slowly filling up, the nervous shiver went up her spine as she sat up straighter. Her signal to get out.

"Well, I should be off...going to the library. But you can find me either in the common room or library most days. I'd love to help you, Gin." She paused for a moment, feeling slightly uneasy as she steadied her gaze on the small girl, "with...anything." Harper had no reasoning to the choice of words, but something did flash behind Ginny's eyes.


"Snape let you start already?" Fred asked as he took his spot beside her in potions.

"Oh no....I'm just scratching the bottom of this out of boredom.....and rebellion," Harper snorted.

"He's going to murder you...but keep it up," George laughed, getting out his books.

Harper shrugged, giving a wink as she sat up straight and stretched her arms above her head. She looked up to the board for their current assignment with a frown as she thought about her private lessons. Feeling frustrated at the wall she'd hit with everything.

Today they would be working in pairs to make the Alihotsy draught, which causes uncontrollable laughter both by drinking and inhalation of the fumes. With an inward sigh, she nodded at Angelina who silently agreed to work together with a smile.

Maybe working together on this would be beneficial, Harper mused as she went and got the ingredients.

Harper. We need the plant

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