Skeptics and True Believers

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"Don't be so scared to take a second for reflection
To take a leave of absence
See what you're made of
So I'm selfish and you're sorry.
Near Death
Last Breath
and barely hanging on"
-Skeptics and True believers, The Academy is


Harper sat beside Fred in Defense, staring out the window to her left. She was so focused on the rain coming down she hadn't noticed that everyone started packing their things until Umbridge was in front of her.

"Was the lesson so drab you'd rather stare out a window all class?" Umbridge asked, slamming her hand down on Harper's bag, making her jump slightly. Fred paused for a moment, Harper met his eye and nodded her head as an indication to move on, she could handle this on her own.

"Oh well, I've read the entire book....twice now....I just didn't feel—"

"So because you've read the book twice you believe it's proper to avoid the lesson in front of you?"

"No, but I don't understand the point of writing lines in a class where we need a practical approach. Not theoretical," Harper stammered, trying to stand her ground. Umbridge's eyes flashed, her sickly sweet mask slipped for a moment and Harper saw the glare on her face before she quickly went back to smiling.

"A theoretical approach is just as valuable as anything else," she spoke calmly.

Harper bit her lower lip, keeping her comments to herself.

"I would think the Head Girl would be a bit more cooperative with the professors. My goal here is provide a Ministry approved approach to a class that has seen nothing but a trail of misfortune."

"I am, Professor...." Harper took a step back, "I'm very cooperative with the professors who did grant me this privilege." You are not one of them.

At this Umbridge's expression faltered again, it was a ballsy move to stand up to this woman, considering they were a Ministry official at the end of the day. But Harper's stubbornness outweighed her fear at the current moment, she doubled down, holding her head high.

You'll regret those words

Harper tried not to flinch, was she really in a stressful situation that her walls had faltered? Maybe antagonizing the woman would be a benefit for her in the long run.

"I would watch my tone, Miss Nonemacker. Don't forget, at the end of the day I'm the senior under secretary to the Minister of Magic. The same Ministry where your father works. Cornelius and I are quite close and if I suggest a lay off..." she shrugged, giving an innocent smile.

"My father has nothing to do with my actions here, professor."

Umbridge contemplated this for a moment before smirking. "You're right. Then I hope you'll find that working with me would be very advantageous of you. If not, there are consequences all students must fairly pay."

Harper held her composure as she left, trying not to feel the venom and hostility behind Umbridge's thoughts as they bombarded her. Walking quickly into the corridor, Harper immediately ran into George's waiting arms—flailing her hands out behind his back and taking Joy's arm as a hostage, causing Joy to lose her balance and fall into George's back as Harper tried to get any amount of comfort she could.

"I don't wanna go back in there," she whispered.

"Let's...let's get to transfiguration now," Alicia gave a tight smile.

"We'll see you ladies there," Lee commented, looking between Fred and George.

"We need to go—"

"Back to our dormitory—"

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