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"When pretending lends a helping hand
We hold it close, so close and never let it go
How did we get so jaded? I don't know" 
-Hourglass, Set it Off 


Harper groaned internally as she walked the quiet corridor to the Gryffindor tower for the evening, Snape had berated her again that she was still doing nothing to get her mind under control. It was so aggravating to Harper that all she wanted to do was scream at the top of her lungs that she was clueless and stuck, that it wasn't fair how harsh Snape was being on her. And since her vision a week ago, Snape was even more snappish at her lack of progress.

It wasn't like Harper wasn't trying.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she continued down the corridor.

That's good. Just listen-

Harper froze, her blood turned to ice, her vision going black momentarily. She slowly stooped for her wand in her boot as she looked around.



Harper frowned, not trusting the corridor she found the closest secret passage and hurried to the tower, but in the tight stairwell she felt eyes on the back of her neck. Holding her wand tightly against her, she hurried.


Harper froze. The voice was a mixture of a male and girl, nothing identifiable to Harper in the current situation.

Turning on her heel she stared at the black stairwell behind her, slowly lifting her wand out toward the darkness. Harper had no time to react before she was blinded-her surroundings obscured and she lost consciousness for a moment. Footsteps ran past her, Harper tried to reach out blindly as a body rushed past.

A shiver down her spine made her want to scream, what had happened?! She shook her head with a heavy sigh, uncertain as her vision slowly returned, she stayed in that stairwell for several minutes before getting up and walking toward the tower.

Had she just been attacked?

By who?

She thought she knew, but her mind was still spinning.

When Harper returned to the tower, she clutched her bag strap as she stood by the entry way tunnel, she was studying Ginny. Noticing how pale she was beginning to look, Harper frowned as she worried her lip. Absentmindedly rubbing the back of her head, it hadn't been Ginny in the stairwell....It just...hadn't. 

Why were there alarms going off in her mind? Did...was it related to Ginny? Was Ginny the one in the stairwell with her?

Why would Ginny hurt her?

Why did she have a sinking feeling that something was going on with Ginny?

Gossiping sneak

Shut up Harper screamed internally at the voices of her past. She wasn't going to let the past repeat itself, Harper knew better this time.

"Harpsichord?" She glanced up at George who was studying her carefully. Flipping her hair over her shoulder she tried to hide the anguish she felt.

"You alright?" George questioned again.

Harper's eyes flirted toward Ginny for a moment as she nodded slowly.

"Alright," she breathed out. From here she could see the tattered leather book Ginny was writing in, something sank into her stomach as she watched Ginny furiously scratching at it with her quill.

"So....I may have forgotten about my charms essay and it's due in about....three hours, mind helping me?" Harper finally looked at George, just in time to see his eyes flash with adoration before settling down into that smoldering look he always got around her.

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