Halloween frights

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"How have things been this month?"

"Oh good! I've been getting top marks in all my classes, I'm sure all the professors tell you right?" Sybill nodded at this, sipping her tea slowly as Harper smiled into her biscuit, "I have friends! And they're really fantastic." Harper grinned at her aunt, who's eyes crinkled she gave a warm smile to her niece, enjoying hearing the excitement in her voice.

"That's wonderful, poppy," Sybill smiled, taking a biscuit as well. "And your private lessons?"

"We're working on the legilimens spell, I can use it. Not perfectly, but Professor Snape also has me create mental walls to block out everyone but...I'm abysmal at it. Still unsure what really causes all of this since Legilimens and eye contact go hand in hand." 

"That's exactly why I believed your inner-eye was awakening," Sybill nodded. "But do you feel you have better control?"

Harper smiled as she gave a small incline of her chin, stirring her tea with a grin, "I've been going to dinners with everyone but we go early so not many people are there....the girls in my year are so nice....Angelina always finishes her meal with me and then we go to the kitchens if she's still hungry."

Sybill chuckled slightly, "and the boys....the one with brown eyes always seems to stare at you a bit more than the other two boys you sit with."

Harper felt her face flush, "I'm not interested in anyone." At this her aunt laughed, gently taking Harper's empty tea cup and scoffing slightly, Harper took it back and saw in the tea leaves a small heart. She rolled her eyes but smiled, "do you think I'll be alright going to Hogsmeade?"

Sybil nodded slowly, "your parents permitted it....do you believe you're ready for that?"

Harper nodded, school had started and she had a routine down now, being mid October. Her private lessons were going well, things seemed to be progressing the way Snape believed they should. The group of friends she'd made her first two days were so welcoming, she felt at ease with them. Hoping she'll be able to tell them about her ability soon. She felt herself becoming confident each day, today she felt free and happy as she ate her lunch with her aunt.

"I'm so happy to see you're adjusting here well, poppy. I was worried to be honest, the leaves and the ball, their predictions changed daily until your arrival. Most days it was not good."

"I hope I can tell them soon," Harper whispered.

"Let the universe tell you when is right, you know how to listen," Sybill patted Harper's hand. "Now I believe you should be on your way to classes. See you."

"See you."

"How was your lunch?" George bumped Harper's shoulder when he caught up to her a few minutes later.

"Honestly, how do you keep popping up wherever I go?"

George chuckled in response, giving a wink as they continued walking in silence to their double potions lesson. "You're ridiculous," Harper scoffed at the silent answer.

"Saved you two seats!" Fred waved them over when they arrived in the dungeons.

"You're losing time on asking her, you know?"

George rolled his eyes at Fred as they setup their latest prank in the second floor boys' bathroom. Their plan was to have the sinks pour a dye that would cause a random effect to someone: dyed hands, morphing into something else like claws, or disappearing all together.

"Could we move it to the second Hogsmeade visit?" George muttered as he finished tapping the knobs of the sink in front of him.

Fred began laughing, "are you getting cold feet?!"

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