A Little Faster

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"You said you always keep your word
Show me what you're after,
I thought you promised me the world
Tell me what you're after,
Go on and take you way too far,
Cause here we are, waiting once again
-A Little Faster, There For Tomorrow" 

"Well well well, aren't I lucky that tonight's round of patrols are with a cute partner," Cedric greeted, grinning when he made it to the final landing before the Fat Lady. Harper tried not to react to the compliment, willing her face to keep from blushing, she pushed herself off the wall she had been leaning on.

"Took you long enough," Harper laughed, stepping toward him. "We're meant to be patrolling together, should've started around your common room if it was going to take you a bit."

"By the time we got to the upper floors students may be gone, start high then go low. At least according to Penelope," Cedric wagged a finger at her.

"I suppose you're right, I think Percy told me the same thing when we patrolled my first night," Harper said with a sigh. School had been in session for a few weeks, in terms of controlling things she was back to square one-only being able to stop Joy once, but stopping her resulted in Harper feeling completely exhausted.

"So you can actually speak," Cedric snorted, giving her that charismatic smirk, she willed her face to remain neutral-her mind flicking to George's face quickly.

"Of course I can speak," Harper shook her head, her eyebrows knitting together at his words.

"Name some people you've spoken to that aren't in your tight group."

"Hermione and Ginny-"

"Wrong! Not in your house either."

Harper bit her tongue and huffed, a strangled noise coming out between her teeth. "You got me there....it's hard to make friends for me..." She paused for a moment realizing that even though she held a friendly persona about herself, she clung to her Gryffindor friends and that was it. She rarely branched out to the other houses. But really it was for the best, until she controlled her ability.

If I can get control...

"Branch out a bit more, Nonemacker," she gave a tight smile as he laughed. "I'll introduce you to some folks then."

"Sounds lovely," Harper agreed.

"So you and George, will it finally happen this year?"

Harper laughed, averting her gaze, out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw something shift. Looking behind her, she saw nothing but the empty corridor.

"I'm just saying, it's obvious you two fancy each other. The bloke is always going on about you, but he's really dragging his feet," the Hufflepuff shrugged and continued on their path to the library. A cough sounded somewhere behind her, looking around all she noticed was the dozing portraits-maybe the cough came from them.

"It's complicated," Harper shook her head. Cedric made a noise as if he didn't believe her, as they kept walking, lazily twirling his wand between his fingers.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw something shimmer again, stopping in her tracks she stared at the open window beside her. The night sky seemed to shimmer slightly as she studied the window frame, as she stared at the window she swore she saw the faint outline of a shoulder begin to come into focus.

"Nice sky tonight," Cedric commented beside her, Harper gave a slight nod, the distortion in the window shimmered again. Cedric tapped her shoulder and the two were slowly walking again.

"How far do you think Luna walked tonight?" Harper mused, wanting to change the subject and continue on their way. The young Ravenclaw had a sleepwalking habit that the prefects were warned about during their first round of patrols.

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