Fourth Year Blitz

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"He didn't do a single one of these things he claims," Harper muttered as she looked at the teachers table, Lockhart sitting as smug as possible during the feast. "Not a damn one."

"Oh how would you know?" Alicia stuck out her tongue, Angelina and Joy snorted into their drinks as Harper scoffed.

"By the end of the year, I'll prove it," Harper winked at her friend.

"Oh Harps, he had to have done those things! There's no other explanation to his brilliant accomplishments," Joy wagged a finger at her.

Harper laughed slightly, her head aching from the pressure around her. She tried to drown it out and ignore it with her own thoughts, but the pressure was like someone gently squeezing her temples continuously like a melon. She hadn't missed this sensation. A migraine began to form in her frontal lobe. Over the summer she had practiced occlumency per Snape's suggestion, but no matter what she was attempting to do, she was still in agonizing pain as thoughts pounded against her skull-her vision doubling for a moment.

The new professor is dreamy

I can't believe Harry and Ron

I hope I can write my parents about what house I got!

I wonder if George and Harper will finally admit they fancy each other this year

This thought made Harper snap her head up, her eyes looking at Joy who was innocently chewing a bit of bread. Harper lightly kicked Joy's shin under the table, the blonde's eyes going big as she instantly understood the signal.


Harper looked away, seeing Angelina studying her, "are you still doing private lessons this year?"

"Yeah...I believe so, haven't heard differently."

It was going to be different this year. She was going to perfect it this time.

Harper shut her eyes tightly, humming a song to herself and focusing on the words and the vibrations of her vocal cords-anything else. There was a tapping on her knee, opening an eye Joy was making a face at her from across the table. Harper started laughing.

I really missed that laugh during the break

Harper's laugh turned into a cough, there was a flash of herself leaning back slightly as she laughed at Joy, feeling her heart rate pick up instantly-was it a reflection of his own pulse or just hers? She closed her eyes tightly, gripping her fork between her fingers as she tried to hum a song and tune out the pounding orchestra in her mind.

This was the perfect situation she needed though.

With a deep breath, Harper focused on the muffled screams that pounded on her skull, suffocating her.

I swear, those two. If they don't get expelled it'll be a miracle

Harper listened to Hermione quietly talking to herself about Harry and Ron's car stunt.

Please let this work Harper thought to herself, focusing on Hermione's voice, Harper started to imagine a wall being built between them. Hermione was still muttering to herself, but slowly Hermione's voice became among one of the many voices that were pounding on her skull-just another whisper, it wasn't heightened, couldn't distinctly make it out through the cascade of other thoughts. She smiled to herself, Angelina and Joy were frowning as they both quietly looked at their friend, briefly relived that no one else was paying attention to her.

Harper. This isn't funny.

Trying to bring herself out of her trance, she tried to see if she could make Hermione stop completely. Imagining the wall was bigger and thicker, it took all of her energy to build this, she was slowly beginning to feel tired-the bushy haired girl's voice was no longer distinct, just a dull hum that drilled into her skull.

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